Tuesday, August 25, 2009

We had popiah party again last sunday cos my sis-in-law has cravings for it.. :P

Jared in his "pooping" expression.. till his tears rolled down.. How many babies you've seen who's tearing away when pooping? =_=

Crap a lot so decided to bring him directly to the toilet to wash it out!

He seems to find it fascinating watching the water trickled down.. And mom's covering his little "dragon" while Dennis's holding him up carefully & flashing his sunkissed smile. ('',)

So much of ingredients just for one popiah serving, lots of work. Really kudos to my mom!

Jared's favourite room is Roy's study room, where lots of colourful stuff are kept, including his toy miniatures. He will always zoom inside there straight to the display cabinet and start pointing to the toys inside. Luckily they're out of reach! So he has to grab Yong's hoops & yoyo stuffy inside, hee..

Bro got us durians for dessert, i had a couple but forgotten to mix salt water into the durian husks ley.. -_-
And here's a clip of Jared trying out the taste of durian for the very first time!

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