Saturday, July 20, 2013

Jared's 5th Birthday

On Jared's actual birthday on monday 15th July,
Roy & I took half day off to spend time with him.

It was quite a grey day so we decided to go
somewhere indoors like the Singapore Art Museum..

There's this annex building across the road
that is part of the museum and they are having this
Art Garden that runs through to September 2013.

Big as* picture of the day.
I love my boys.

At the moving image gallery where they
featured local short films and animations 
that's suitable for children. J enjoyed it &
insisted on finishing all of them..

In this room called Around the Day in Eighty Worlds.

The kids are looking through some kaleidoscope
in the light box.. Kid's stuff..

Paranomic view of the room..

This room is made entirely of screws and thread..

This entire painting is the collaborative work 
between a local sculptor and 750 students. 
I thought it was quite impressive..
J's totally uninterested and kept
hurrying us to leave.. Zzz...

I should think J will like this
Enchanted Garden City cos it's
so colourful & storythemed.. But
he totally wanna get out asap!
Really dampen our mood..

Gingerly stepping down the rainbow
steps.. It's nice mah!

Since he don't wanna come in, we made him wait
for us outside and to sit on the bench.. Hahaha..
All the way here, I must take enough pictures ok.. :P

Beautiful isn't it?

We decided to have a simple celebration
for J to blow out the candles on his birthday.
The cupcakes were kindly sponsored
by my buddy Yong.. Love ya! :D

J exclaimed,"Woah! Is it for me?!"
He had attended Lauren & Evan's birthday,
so finally it's his turn nao..

OooOoo, he got a red packet from Grandpa..
Smiling with glee..

Blowing out the candles carefully,
one by one.. :)

Happy Birthday, JBoy..
Sometimes I still can't believe
that you've actually turned 5 now..
I think I said that every year.. Hahaha..
We love you with all our hearts..

A recap of his birthday blogs since year 1..

It's really nice to look back to see how
he's grown over the years.. I wonder how long
I can maintain this blog also..
For as long as I can, I'll try my best!

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