Monday, July 08, 2013

What else is happening in June, besides the haze..

Hahahaaa, I'm slowww..
And I'm getting lazier by the month..

Anyway, we did a last minute decision to go JB to do
some groceries shopping on a sunday.. Which was a
Huge mistake cos we took close to 3 freaking hours
 at the immigration on the way back to singapore.
I vowed never to drive into JB on a weekend, ever!
*pic taken in the supermarket cos there's nothing
interesting to take anyway..**

Had a advance birthday outing with my bestest
buddy Shimei as she can't take leave during her
actual birthday due to closing.. We had a great
time catching up on stuff and family. I missed her..

And the most important date to remember in June
is of course my dear OB's birthday. :)

You will always be my dearest OB no matter
where you go.. Remember that!

Since it's the June holidays, I took a day's leave to
bring mum & J out for shopping.. Mum is like a tiger
out of the cage.. She shopped like mad.. Lol..
I didn't buy anything at all.. Well, other than lunch..

This happened on the last saturday of June.
Roy parked his car in Kallang cos he had a
drinking session with cols the night before.
So we had to take bus, then train to the stadium station.

On the bus and feeling happy.
I've gotten his very own farecard and
he chose the doraemon card holder himself.
In the train cabin. He will want a seat by himself nowadays.
He loves taking the public transport. So within a day,
he has taken all 3 types of transport.. Bus, train & car. :P 

We went home to wash up and our next stop was
at Shock's place for dinner. Only one table for MJ
while the rest prepared dinner. A bit hard for me
to play since J was around. I am a responsible parent! Lol..

The rest all taking turns to carry J, luckily
he's still not very heavy, at 16.5kg.
A lightweight like myself..

Family settling down for a homecooked dinner.
I love it.

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