Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My old neighbourhood

Chinese New Year is just a month away @______@
That means it's time to get busy with the cny goodies..
Mum's specialty is pineapple tarts and lapis cake and
she needs to prep the pineapple filling first..

We brought her to Bedok South one saturday to stock
up the pineapples. I've lived there most of my life from
baby till adulthood. Missed that place..

Asked J to pose for me and he can say peace in the other direction.. -_-

With my snoopy bag tucked under his arm.. heh..

At bedok south wet market area.
Even though there had been many changes & upgrading at that area,
it still feel very much at home to me..

Still remembered when we were kids, will always tag along with 
mum to the wet market for her weekly marketing.

And I will always get so bored and will just stand at one corner while
mum will chat & gossip with the hawkers and bargained for 
discounts. I'm there to help her carry the stuff..
I specially hated the wet smelly floor & will hop around
trying to avoid stepping on them. >_<

Grateful that Roy came along this time to help her
out carrying the 30+ pineapples.. (can die!)

It's been close to 10 years since we moved out of Bedok but
most of the tenants still remember my mum!

She especially loves to go check out the apparel in the market.
Quite aunty but some of the clothes are actually quite nice..
I won't wear though.. Lol..

J sitting on the foot stool while my mum
browsed through the aunty clothes.. hahaha..

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