Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Cousins United

1st January, Tuesday

I've always been very close to some of my younger cousins,
since my mum took care of them since they were babies.

Babies?! You might be asking..
Yup, I'm way older than them as their dads, my uncles 
were also a lot younger than my mum. I also helped
my mum out to take care of them last time and they're
all grown up now. Man, for me to say that, I really
feel old indeed.. >.<

But ever since my grams passed away 4 years ago, we hardly had the
chance to meet up, specially during cny and I missed them so much.. :(
But everybody's been so busy with their own lives and commitments,
it's just hard to find the right time to gather everybody..
So the only time when all of us were able to see everybody
was actually during my grams funeral. Sigh..

Sad things aside..

So I was whatapping one of them, Shirleen who's always buy
stuff for J during her travelling (she's a cabin crew) about
meeting up soon and she quickly got the rest in the chatgroup.

And I really love that it's so random and spontaneous and
most of them can make it to my place on new year's day.. :)
Well, actually not all of them.. I still have a lot more cousins
but it'll be crazy to gather all of them.. My mum has 9 siblings.. :P
And I'm not close to all of them anyway..

They packed some food/tidbits over and everybody's
happy to see everybody! And they were all groaning & smacking
their heads when I made J called them uncles & aunts, hahaha!
Hey, must teach him to respect the elders kay?! Lol..

We had such a good time catching up on each other's
lives and laughing hysterically all the time.
I would do it again in a heartbeat. :)

And it seemed like yesterday when I was still a kid myself
and they were just babies or tots and I was carrying them and
caring for them. So when I looked at them now, really made me
reminisce those moments. And I kept telling Jingyi that! Heh.. 

Jingyi on the left and Lingyi on the right.
They're kids from my youngest uncle and Lingyi's one of the
youngest cousins, in sec 3 now.

Leon with his fiancee Fidelis.
(My little brother is getting married, awwwww..)
Currently part of the world tour for singer Lee Hom (idol!),
which is his passion and something he enjoys doing.

Shirleen on the extreme left, really have the stewardess look hor?

I'm glad J got along well with all of them too..

Priceless family picture.
From top left: Yisheng, Lingyi, Jingyi (fr. 10th uncle),
Denise, Shirleen (fr. 9th uncle), Leon (fr. 8th uncle). 
Watch out, hip hop J in the making! Lol..

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