Saturday, October 27, 2012

At first surprise then, not again.. (groan..)

20th Oct, Saturday

We have been bringing J to the dentist quite regularly as he's having
some bad front teeth. So have to clean out the dirt and patch the holes.
Only the top front teeth are affected as they are very close together 
unlike his lower teeth where the gaps are bigger.

Was expecting him to make a huge ruckus again and Roy and I
were just discussing who's turn to hold him down this time..

When he surprised us by doing the unexpected..
Sitting in the patient's chair at his own will!
I guess he came to realise there's no use struggling or maybe he's just
getting used to coming to GPA all the time & recognising his dentist..

A room fit for the king kid.. Heh..

But he's still not willing to open up his mouth too willingly..

Flushing out the food bits and putting in the gel or something to close up the gaps..

Watching intently in the background..

 21st Oct, Sunday

Mum woke me up at around 8am that morning and told me J's a bit warm..
When I heard that, I was like,"Darn, not again?!!" I felt really really sien..

It was a rainy sunday, so we all stayed at home. Sis & Dennis came over to see J too..

You know, whenever J fell sick, I really feel damn lousy inside as well
as paranoid. I will not be able to sleep at night, constantly checking
& touching & sponging J monitoring his temperature. It got worse when
he puked too, making a mess of the bed and everything.

Normally my mum & I will be taking turns around the clock to
watch over him but I will ask her to sleep instead, I will take over the night shift.
Cos I won't be able to sleep at all, I just can't. What make matters worse was that
J got so scared of taking medicine every 6 hourly that he simply refused
to open his mouth when it's time for med. I got mad & even resorted to
smacking his now skinny thighs.. Sigh..
I'm just too damn stressed.. :(

Took 2 days off on mon & tue cos I'm just too tired when dawn breaks..
Just when I got a little relieved (very slightly in case I jinxed it) 
that J's temp went down below 38,
Dennis and Roy also came down with high fever.. @_@
And it's those fever that refused to go away..

The boys in the household in sick bay.
It's like one for all and all for one.. :P

I don't know if J has indirectly passed the viral fever to them or
maybe their immune systems were down at that point..
But this fever is lethal.. *shudders**
My sister also got it so I guess it's contagious.. 

My mum stuffed herself with oranges everyday while
I drink a bottle of berry essence as well as vit C tablets.
What we can do now is to keep ourselves healthy and
pray that everybody will recover soon, over this long weekend.

Piddles is tired..  =_=

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Gets Better At..

each haircut session.. Heh..

He used to hate the noise coming out from the shaver and
would struggle and scream at the top of his lungs.

This time, I had to promise him after the haircut, I'll let him sit the barney ride
and bring him to the playground with colourful slides at tampines.

Didn't know I had to resort to bargaining with my kid.. =_=

Even though he doesn't cry out this time but I still have
to hold his head to keep still.

Look at his cute little pout there..
Like he must be thinking, why cut this awful hairstyle for me?!!

 Very very short fringe. Mr Coconut again.
Should last at least 2 months, I hope!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Down with Bronchitis

07th Oct, Sunday

My Jared is really one sick prone kid.. Really not sure what caused his bronchitis to act up but it came back with a vengeance last saturday night. He started coughing in the evening and I knew that something's not right from the sound of it.. Sigh.. I suspected he could've gotten the virus when they went down to the multi- purpose hall that afternoon for the children's day celebration.

It got worse on sunday morning whereby I can hear the thick phlegm in his throat when he coughed.. So I put my head to his chest & I heard the most dreadful wheezing sound.. :(

Didn't have to wait too long at KK cos maybe his case was more urgent and the nurse, after taking his temperature, heartbeat & listening to the chest, immediately referred us to a doctor within minutes.

His oxygen level was a bit low, ranging around 95-96 whereby the normal level
would be around 98-99. And he just refused to put on the oxygen mask.. -_-

No choice we had to dismantle the mask and the kind nurse tape the tube to his chest
so that the oxygen can be blown towards his face.. I'm breathing in clean oxygen too.. :)

Doctor had diagnosed that J has sensitive airways, so he is more likely to get inflammation of the air passages. And cough develops in an attempt to expel the excess mucus from his lungs. And I can hear the phlegm moving up and down when he cough.. =_=

Actually I'm not really sure of the differences between bronchitis and asthma but I think J has bronchitis as he's having a low grade fever due to the infection. Asthma doesn't cause fever nor it's contagious.

More oxygen..
I think he gave up struggling against the mask and just let me hold on to it.
Looking at his eyebrows all knotted up just make me wanna soothe it out for him..

Nebulizer is necessary for him in this case as it will help to widen his airways and make it easier for him to breathe in more oxygen. But everytime when we used it on him, he will kick & struggled with all his might to push the mask away from his mouth.. And everybody will turn and looked at what's the commotion about..

J needed 4 cycles of medication so by the 4th time, he actually wanted
to hold the mask himself, and countdown together with the nurse.
I'm both surprised and quite proud of him in a way..

Just recovered from a nasty stomach flu less than a month ago and now this. Wondering when will he outgrow all these and put on more weight? On the record, his cousin Cyan (less than 3 years old) is already 2-3kg heavier than him, omg!

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Actual Day of Mid Autumn Festival

30th Sep, Sunday

Sorry for the lateness in posting, even though I've took the pics more than a week ago.
Was busy with J as he's down with bronchitis over the weekend.

My sis & Dennis came over the previous sunday to go for a jog in the track near our place.
J can run faster than us mann.. Only Dennis can keep up with him..
But he's a short distance runner, ran too long he got tired liao..

Went downstairs after dinner to carry lanterns with J.
It's been donkey years since we last held a candle lit lantern.

All ready for photo but J noticed his candle went out at the last minute. Heh..

His 2nd father helping to change a new candle for him. :)

All lit and ready to go!

Party of three.

J keep saying my shoe, my shoe.. We not sure if it's a pebble in his shoe
or maybe his feet has outgrown his crocs..

After all the walking, J got tired and wanted Dennis to carry him. He loves
to caress his hair cos it's short and nice to touch..

J adores Dennis and vice versa. I love watching them spending time together
ever since J was a baby. Thanks for being here for us. :)

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Cook for the day

29th Sep, Saturday

Saturdays & Sundays are activity days..
As J doesn't attend whole day childcare, we just wanna fill all his weekends
with more things to do.. $$ and time all spent on him..
One precious only, what to do? ('',)

Lily so sweet, bought sticker books for J. And that Mickey Mouse is currently
his favourite.. He can now pose for me but not looking at me of course.. -_-

Pasta is definitely one of my favourite food but I can't eat a lot of that..
Decided to whip up a simple pasta dish that evening for dinner.
Guess I don't have to describe the procedures, it's simple enough with pictures.
Roy took a bite and said the spaghetti's still a bit hard. So I covered the lid with
heat to warm & soften them up. The tiger prawns were the bomb but I let Roy eat
more cos he paid for them.. Lol..

Monday, October 01, 2012

Mid Autumn Festival

22th Sep, Saturday

There's a mid autumn festival that the RC organised for our neighbourhood held at the nearby basketball court and we just have to pay $3 to attend. There's a goodie bag, ice-cream & popcorn included.

We sit with one of J's schoolmate, Hong Yin who lives on the sixth floor.

One of the rare pictures that J doesn't smile..

There's a mini dragon!

And the senior citizens that practise Taiji every morning at 0745hrs, free of charge.
Actually I'm quite interested but not sure if I wanna wake up that early on a weekend.
I want my sleep!

Fascinated with his lighted lantern.

Looking anywhere, everywhere but me.. =_=

All of us went for a stroll all around the neighbourhood and there're ushers
who helped to direct the traffic. It's quite nice to be doing the same thing together
once a while. Makes us feel united.. Lol..

Lion dance.. Most of the kids were taken by the loud noises from the drums..

23th Sep, Sunday
On our way out to yishun, dinner at father-in-law's place.
J is really into the Mickey Mouse phase right now..
He and his MM stuffy are inseparable..

And he wanna put on his mickey shoes that day too..
Seriously thinking if I should bring him to Mickey's Rockin' Roadshow
this coming end nov. All these shows at Sands Theatre cost me atomic bombs!