Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Barney & Playground

J has taken a liking to the big fat purple Tyrannosaurus recently, due to his catchy songs. And also, his favourite colour happens to be purple too. There's a Barney & Friends show at Expo during the one week school holidays so we brought him there last thursday.

J brought along his own Barney but when he saw that they were selling BJ & Baby Bop stuffies, he want them as well. I said to choose one, and he settled for BJ.. And it cost 25 bucks, little buggers!

A nice contrast of purple & yellow..

J loves his Barney & BJ. And he knows how to sing the goodbye song (though not clearly) by heart liao..

Just so hard to make him turn to look at me!

The chairs reminded me of those we sit on when we went to restaurants banquets.. Minus the chair covers.. Lol..

Keep his hair longer cos we going on a trip, can keep his ears warm a bit.. :D

Don't wanna bore you with Barney pictures so I just put up 2 of them. There're quite colourful actually..

Ok, this picture has nothing to do with anything. Just wanna show you how big the dressing room is at Robinsons. Over the weekend we dropped by Raffles City cos Roy wanna get golfing pants. He told us the dressing room has seats so we went in to check it out. Haha!

We found a tiny playground with just one slide & 2 swings nearby our neighbourhood so decided to bring J there for a change. Even though it's quite miserable but we think it's actually better as it's so simple and small that we just sit down on the bench & let him climb & slide all by himself.. under our watchful eyes of course. Good thing he doesn't know how to complain yet.. just a simple boy.. :)

Skinny boy. Maybe he has worms in his tummy.. -_-

And ended up with dirty pants.. A boy's gotta do what a boy's gotta do.. @_@

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Visit to Sentosa, March 2012

Roy, being the "househusband" for now.. (lol) is doing what typical housewives are doing.. Looking for discounts.. He managed to grab some good deals online, like cheaper tickets to Singapore Flyer, Hippo rides etc. This time round, it's for some of the attractions in Sentosa.

It's school holidays this week so plenty of activities for the little rascal. Roy brought him, mum, her brother & sil to sentosa on tuesday. He took my dslr with him but a lot of pictures all turned out blur.. So I will just posted up a few better ones..

All dressed up and ready to go. He's been spotted with this super cheeky look these days.. Like he's up to something no good..

J is inseparable with his granduncle (mum's eldest brother), he adores him! My uncle is 71 this year and this cheeky boy still insisted on being carried by him and only wanted to hold his hand throughout the outing. I think my uncle will end up with muscle aches the next day, with his old bones all cracking up liao.. Lol..

This boy cannot walk straight without tripping over his own foot. Always stumbling & ended up with lotsa of bruises and battle scars on his elbows & knees.. And it's so visible cos he's fair..

Another cheeky grin.
That's my uncle's hand in the background, it's his full time job to take care of J that day!

The butterflies at the butterfly park are pathetic, according to Roy.
The logo looks like a giant bubble on top of J, I should've put in a caption to say,"Hey dude, whatchoo looking at?!!"
Except that I'm too lazy to edit it.. Zzzz..

All kids love fries.. He can nom on those all day if we let him.. All the junk food.. =_=

At the dolphin enclosure.. Surprisingly, this was the highlight of the trip..

I thought this was a enduring shot. My uncle pinching his chin ever so lovingly. Awww~

When the music started, J just cannot stop himself from the dancing and jumping. Music is in his blood! Lol..

Hello there!

Looking back occasionally to see if the old folks are watching him dancing..
For a moment, I thought he also looks like one of the seals with his black shirt.. Lol..
Too bad he didn't wave his arm.. :D

I thought they have pink dolphins in the park?

What do you know?
They bumped into Shimei & Jason that day. They brought JZ out on a company trip.
Making the boys take a picture together. Surprisingly, they're quite cooperative that day, must be in a good mood. ;)

J stuck out his index finger at first, I think he's trying to show the peace sign. =_=

So Roy told him to show the Awesome sign, you can see he looked so satisfied that his thumb's up! Lol..
JZ bo hiew and continue to drink his ribena.. Lol..

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

More on Jared

*New update at the end of the post.*

Finally, a new post! Really, every week is routine and nothing interesting is happening. Well, maybe one.. Roy is on a short hiatus now, yeah he is a free man!
But knowing Piddles, she won't let him off so easily.. So she declared him as a house husband for the time being, taking care of J and running errands for mum. He complained he's more busy than when he was working! =_=
I asked him to take pictures of J to show me what are they up to everyday. Heh..

I know you peeps have been coming to my blog to check for new posts, only to find the same 'o picture of J in shades.. So here's one of him digging his nose, ahahahha!! Shiokness with his eyes closed somemore.. :D
He's into Barney & Friends now.. Makes sense since his favourite colour is purple. Bringing him to Barney Show at Expo on thursday. At least will have something to blog about.. Lol..

So Roy is in charge of sending & picking J from school.

*Pretending to be shy boy** :)
Kids his age still look cute when they tuck in their shirt & their shorts riding up high.

He ate something green one morning and Roy took a picture to show me titled *Green Monster*.

Abstract Art. Maybe should get my brother to rate it. Lol.. Still holding the pen the wrong way.. -_-

As most of you peeps know by now, that I've been sending J to speech therapy classes as well as enrichment to boost & motivate him to speak out more. So far, he's enjoying them all.. specially Hess on sunday mornings. And I'm particular happy with him during the last class of the term. He was so good during the performance, performing so well & lively compared to the rest of his classmates. They were so lifeless & bored, my gosh. So I also didn't bothered to take pics of them, I just focus on my Jboy.

See, he was sooooo happy and totally at ease on stage. I'm a proud mummy! :D

And he listened to Teacher Lara's instructions and sing along to all the songs.. I'm almost shedding tears of Joy..
This might seemed to be trival thing but to me, it's a huge surprise cos J is super impatient and if he sees us, will want to run to us. I was just so happy that I wrote a lengthy letter to the principal to thank her..

Dearest Jeanette,

I’m Jared’s mummy, Rosalind. I’m just dropping a note to tell you that we’re immensely proud of Jared’s performance yesterday.

I still remembered on the last day of school of last term, we were away on a trip and my sister & brother-in-law brought him to class. During the performance, Jared upon seeing my sister will get out of control and wanting to come down from the stage to go to them. It was highly embarrassing and also a disruption to the rest of the kids and parents. Lara was seen going to him and coaxing him to go back on stage. My sister overheard one parent actually commented to another parent on Jared and that where are his parents? Why they never bring him away and still let him interrupt Lara and his classmates? As a parent to hear this kind of comments from another parent has indeed given us much distress, sadness and even some anger. In my heart, I was beginning to question myself maybe I’m not been responsible enough or that there’s something wrong with him.

So when I spoke to Lara to explain and extend our apologies, she’s totally understanding about Jared and that she didn’t think that there’s any problem that she couldn’t handle for him. He is a boy who is just curious about his surroundings and loves to check things out instead of sitting down obediently on the chair. And that he needs a lot of motivation to catch his attention and to make him talk out loud.

Nevertheless, we brought Jared for assessment at KKH. The specialist there advised us that he has perfect hearing and he could understand and do the things that we asked of him, so she did not suspect that he is autistic and it could be some form of speech delay. This brought some ease to our anxious hearts and we’ve enrolled him to a speech therapist at the beginning of the year. Learning to talk for him is slow but nonetheless, ongoing as we can definitely hear him expressing more of his needs. We will soon be seeking a 2nd opinion just to be sure.

As you had mentioned to us yesterday, there’s no comparison. Each child is unique in their own ways. This will be a long process and we’ll just have to be positive and to show him more concern & motivation. I want to thank you for taking the time to talk to us and reassuring us some of the worries that we are facing. It really helped us to feel better in some way.

A very special thank to Jared’s teacher Lara. She is really passionate about what she does and she takes note of all our concerns for Jared and showing him so much of patience & care. We can’t tell you just how relieved we were when we saw how Jared behaved yesterday on stage and that he didn’t dash to us when he saw us in the background (I was prepared to hide). He performed the song & dance with so much of laughter & happiness. And that he’s constantly looking at Lara for assurance & guidance. He simply adores her! He feels so much at home now at Hess compared to when he first came last Jul and really looks forward to class every Sunday. Big thank you to Lorraine & Mira who have helped us to look after him when we went for breaks.

I would like to take this opportunity to say my heartfelt thanks & appreciation for all the love, commitment & dedication that you have showered upon Jared when he’s there for class. We’ll see you on 1st April when we’re back from our trip. Once again, thank you.

Yours truly,

Rosalind Tay


ps: Then I got the nicest sweetest reply from the principal.. super touched to the core..

Dear Rosalind,

Thank you for your wonderful email. All of us were thrilled to read your kind letter. We adore Jared and care so much about his progress. We never heard the comments about the performance. But, only someone who doesn’t understand children would have made that comment about Jared. Most children in Play Group, Nursery and even some kindergarten students have had difficulties on stage. It’s totally normal. Please, never be influenced by what other parents say, especially if they criticise your child. You, your family and Jared’s teachers know who he is and care about him, it’s up to us to wonder about his welfare, not other people. Quite frankly, anyone who judges a child is a very small human being. Do not let that affect you, your family or your concerns for Jared.

A second opinion is always good, but at the same time, trust your family and teachers and the doctors. If you worry too much about Jared, he will pick up on that tension. Children are quite intuitive. Relax and enjoy that beautiful boy, all too soon he is going to be all grown up!

Lara adores Jared just as much as he adores her and she just wants the best for him and for others to see how smart and wonderful he is.
Please if you have any concerns or questions, or just need reassurance, contact me.

Warm regards,
Jeanette Buckley
Managing Director / Principal
Hess Education Centre

Jared Loo, you will always by Piddle's precious boy no matter what. We all love you very much!

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Random updates

Not much happening recently so I'll just overload you with pictures of Jared.. and some of Cyan.
C came over to stay as his mom needs to go China for business trip. Havoc again at home.. *headache**

J came along with Roy to airport to fetch me one day and I spotted him with Roy's oakley. So I thought of getting him kid's shades from Mothercare. Turned out he rejected the cheapo plastic spongebob squarepants shades & insisted on the oakley.. This boy knows his stuff!

Frogstyle here..
J's limbs are still quite flexible and can even do splits.. Not that I always make him do that.. -_-

Roy fixing up the train set for them. The kids are always fighting & snatching for toys. C is definitely bigger size so most of the time, J will just give in to him, cos he knows he surely lose out.. Haa..~

Looking fixated at Thomas Train. Always the main attraction for the kids.. :)

Looking cute wearing the similar sets of PJs. Can't tell that J is actually 1.5yrs older than C right?

We have been getting J to stick out his tongue cos the speech therapist said to get him to exercise his tongue more. So most of the pics now, you can see him with his tongue out, though it's a short one.. Lol..

Roy's long break has started so he has taken over my mum's role in fetching J to school. J's buddy standing beside J, looking adoring at him.. Haha! They're waiting for class to start. The girls are always so much taller than the boys..

Another day has passed, and it's back to chaos at home after work. The boys having a buddy hug..

Not sure if it's my brother or his wife who insisted on keeping a tail for C. It's so long that it causes his neck to get itchy & he keeps scratching.. Ended up the helper had to tie it up.
If he takes off his shirt, he will definitely looks like a mini sumo wrestler..

As I'm getting ready for work this morning, the boys are getting ready for their milk.

I can totally understand how Yoyo is feeling right now, what with 2 active toddler boys + 5mth old baby at their place. I can't take it! @_@
All I want is some peace & quiet mann.. Thank goodness it's only temporary.. ;)