Thursday, January 26, 2012

Time out with Jared

Ok, managed to upload overdue pictures of what's happening in Jan, before CNY.

So my folks went on a cruise on the Royal Caribbean sponsored by my brother.
Damn, why he don't sponsor us also, since he's so rich?? =_=
I had to take a week's leave (my precious..!) while Roy took 3 days, in which 3 out of the 5 days J had to skip school as he's down with cough.

And my mom's first question when she returned was how I take care of J until he fell sick one.. @_@

Going out shopping during a weekday was pure heaven as there're absolutely no crowds & no smelly BOs. J's allowed to roam around and not fight with other kids for the toys..

After dropping J off at preschool, Roy & I had some free time to ourselves so we decided to go to my old neighbourhood area in Bedok wet market hawker centre for some comfort food. Not bad, they even had the cny decors up..

Normally I prefer black carrot cake but this white carrot cake did not fail me. The auntie fried the eggs to perfect crispiness while the inside was still soft & yummy.

Now this was the highlight of our lunch, kway chap! I like to pour all the chilli inside my bowl of kway and slurp up all the soup. Shiokness!

And to finish things up, we had you char kway dipped in kopi. Typical heartlanders indeed..

Brought J along to airport cos I need to settle some outstanding work.
He's fascinated with the glass lift at the viewing gallery.

Even when he goes to school, he must bring his ezlink card along. When will he wear off the card mann? He keeps losing some along the way, I'm running out of farecards!

Haha! J so cute with his big LP pants..

J's super duper thrilled when he first saw Peppa Pig, and even checked out her little bear too.

Yoyo tasked Uncle T with a mission to hunt for her when he was in UK.
Mission accomplished with the most adorable Peppa pig with hugs & kisses from Uncle T.. :)

Peppa pig kissing J. J kissing Peppa pig and her cup.

We used this swaddle to wrap J up when he was just a tiny baby (below), now he using it like he's a cult leader or something.. My house is terribly messy if you noticed.. All his stuff!

So adorable when he's a baby.. Those were the good 'o days..

We've managed to train him to say "Gongxi Fa Chai" once the mandarin oranges are placed in his hands.

Folding his hands behind and inspecting the decorations at home.

While it was really tiring taking care of him around the clock, it really made Roy & I felt so much closer to J. We were inseparable. While he can drive us up the wall most of the time, he can be a joker as well too. We love him more than ever!

1 comment:

  1. He is über adorable! Uncle T & yoyo is glad he loved the peppa pig! :D


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