Sunday, January 01, 2012

It's end of the year again..

It's the last working friday of the month so we decided to meet up for lunch. Went to newly opened Ramen Champion Restaurant at T3. OB likes the ramen there.. Actually we all do..

They might be not the same as those in Japan but good enough.. :P

Setting Leng's camera on self-timer precariously on the ledge. Just don't trust the helpers to do it. Anyway, it's all self-service.. -_-

Another shot using self-timer. Good eh..? :)
Anyway, most of us were dressed in blue as there's a small tea party celebration in the office.

Diana's the organiser and she's very funny & sporting. We always like to "arrow" newcomers to do these sorts of stuff. Haha!

Lotsa fingerfood & tidbits.

Biyi & Clara from Special Projects dept also joined us. Biyi revealed her tail this time! She has been using her tail as a hairband most of of time, no wonder most of us didn't noticed at all.
Looks funky.

Even though Xmas was already over, we still made an effort to buy each other a gift. Most of us know who our secret santa is anyway, so funny.

Candies from boss, who's just came back from his london/paris vacation.

Guess who's hands are on Diana's boobies?
Someone always say anything more than a handful or mouthful is a waste. Lol..

All waiting for someone to start the ball rolling. Boss of course.

Yoyo & Piddles. We love blue!

Leng took a pic of my P hankie which I've tucked under my ribbon. :)
I've been having a bad flu for the previous week & followed by cough. Doc said I had slight bronchitis & will need antibiotics to get rid of the phlegm in the lungs.
Keep having coughing fits in office so better cover my mouth, with such a cute hankie somemore.

Everybody always look posed for the 1st picture.

Happy New Year Peeps!


2011 had been quite a rough year for me. Not so much for work but things that had happened at home.

The worst blow for us, was when we first heard that my sis was diagnosed with breast cancer in June. She is currently undergoing chemo weekly, afterwhich will be radiotherapy. I really hope she will be strong & can conquer the sickness.

My baby J, has always been a slow talker, He's not talking in sentences & would rather shout & point to get what he wants. All along we thought.. n mind, he's just slow, sooner or later will pick up. But when you see kids around his age are talking speeding bullets, you tend to get a bit worried. We brought him to a specialist who diagnosed J as having speech delay. Another blow for us. But OB was right when he said, be thankful that this is something that can be cured over in time. And that he's not in any physical danger or serious illness. So right now, we've enrolled him to attend speech therapy once a week. Hope it works! *keep fingers really crossed**

My sister-in-law got pregnant and the whole family except my brother came to stay at my place in Nov and it's total chaos.. And she lost her 2nd baby end of her 1st trimester in Dec.

Really eventful year. At least for me.

May year 2012 be a better year for all, good health, good fortune & good luck. It has to be, it's my year leh! :P


  1. Confirm 2012 will be better... Huat ah!!.... *Hugs*

  2. Yoyo and hoops love you!!! God bless!


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