Thursday, January 05, 2012

It's the start of the new year again..

We started the year by counting down at home.. Lol..

Nothing fanciful.. But Roy & I did watch Lord of the Rings DVDs together.. LOTR trilogy are one of our favourite movies of all times.. And most importantly, we hardly can watch a movie throughout at home at all.. :)

Some random iphone pics over the first week of new year..


Roy surprised me with a very belated xmas gift.. It wasn't a intended gift lah, he saw his brother had a kindle so he asked him how he got it. He even got it wrapped up, he just really wanted to see my super surprised face.. =_=

Mom @ Work

Yong was going back to Seattle after a 3 week's break so I asked my mom to bake her a kueh lapis. She used to do all her baking at my dad's shop but since they're staying at my place to look after J last year, all the baking stuff were moved back to my place.. What a crowd..

Separating the yolks from the white, a lot of work involved.

Mom's not baking to sell this year, think she's tired.. Also have to take care of my sister. So she's baking just enough for family & close relatives..
I know I should've taken over the reins but baking lapis & pineapple tarts is a lot of work involved. Maybe I should asked my maid to come back to help me.

Leng, Daniel, Lindy, Gerri & Foo in HK

Leng whatsapp me picture of the gang counting down to the new year in hong kong. I wished I can join them but I can't of course. Seeing them get together & enjoying themselves is good enough for me. :)

Settling down for a game of mj after the countdown.. Best..

Playing Tai-di at train station in shenzhen.

They can even dozed off while standing in the cabin, highest technique mann..

Close up on Foo sleeping standing up.. Lol..

Chinatown 2012

I hardly step into chinatown, specially during CNY period cos it's so crowded. But this time I've made an exception for Yong cos she wanted to take some pictures of the festive mood to bring back to US.

I think I've captured a fairly good picture with my crappy iphone.. :)
More pics in my SD card, will need to go her folks place to get it.


Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear (Lotso for short) is a character from Toy Story 3. He played this abandoned stuff toy that turned bad. Disney came up with the real stuff Lotso & he actually smell of strawberry! My favourite fruit scent, including strawberry shortcake.

My col Chris managed to get him back from Disney Park in LA, and I was overjoyed. But J had stolen him from me.. Haa..

He can't seemed to get go of Lotso at first.. Now he goes to bed with his stinky bear, pillow, dalmatian, purple elephant & now Lotso. So greedy!

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