Friday, January 27, 2012

CNY 2012 1st to 4th day

Actually we started much earlier on the saturday before the chinese new year. We had the reunion dinner for my family at my place. This is a long post!

21st Jan, Sat

This claypot was saved for me during cny 2011 last year at SHock's place. Proved to be very useful as it can cooked enough food for the family.

Homemade Yong Tau Foo with the softest fillings of chicken & fish. Yums!

My mom's ngoh hiang are the best by my standard, the rest can vouch for them too!

We decided not to have steamboat cos that's a lazy dinner style, plus I'll be having that for the reunion with my inlaw the next day too.
Braised duck & curry are a must for us. I love overnight duck cos the meat turned so soft & full of flavour. *drool**

Cyan's fascinated with Thomas & Friends as well. Uncle T, all the kids love you! :)

This picture was funny. J was like in awe with Cyan's expression.

Playing together in peace & harmony is what I wish for the boys.

Gathering everybody for a family shot. I was testing the flash light by the way.

Getting the kids to focus was just impossible!

Ok, a fairly decent shot.

22st Jan, Sun

I'm in the mood of photographing J the next day. At least he's looking at me. :)

My baby.
Love this shot.

J with his Peppa Pig.

She is just lovable here.

I even love her curly tail!

When the wind blows, J loves to go underneath the curtain.. Even though it's damn dirty!

The flowing curtain will make him very happy..

Later that evening, we had steamboat at father-in-law's place.

Singing chinese new year songs on Ye ye's karaoke. J insisted on choosing the golden mike, leaving the old grey one for cousin Sarah. She actually knows how to sing some of them, and she's only 8 years old.

After which he managed to snatch over & conquered the 2 mikes. With drool all over them.. Yikes!

His mini stage. He thinks he's a superstar ah?

J's 2nd uncle's angry birds collection. Luckily J's not into them as well..

23th Jan, Mon

Woke up bright & early on new year's day. And he insisted Roy assemble the train set for him to play.

Wishing Gong gong & Ma ma Happy New Year & Gongxi Fa Cai.

I asked him to kiss them but he kissed the angpows instead. $_$

Jboy rich liaozz..

Oranges for Daddy next.

Kiss kiss.. *I love Daddy**

Stay healthy & obedient. Lol..

Getting all dressed up & ready to go out for visiting.

Not forgetting to take picture with his beloved Dennis & Yee yee.. :)

Visiting my grandaunt. These 2 are her granddaughters, so I guess J & Cyan will have to call them aunties.

J can pose better in front of the camera nowadays but Cyan is more into his balls.. Heh..

Later that day, we went over to visit Roy's granny. I think J's already getting tired, can't even sit up straight for a pic with her.

Had dinner at Vivo with Roy's brothers. J normally allows anybody to hold his hand. I haven't let him try with strangers though..

24th Jan, Tue

J has been harping on going to the zoo for the longest time. So we finally decided to make a trip there. We haven't been there for so many years, mainly becoz it's always crowded & smell of poop.

The kids get a dragon headband which I'm surprised J's willing to wear. Normally he'll just rip anything that's on his head like hats, caps etc.. Maybe cos it's from the zoo..

Dennis as usual showered him with undivided attention. I can take a break for a while.. :)

One miserable white tiger.

Two miserable elephants.

Aiyah, I didn't bother to take pictures of the animals cos it's super crowded with tourists, what with all the ah tiongs & ah nehs.. The whole place stinked of BO and shit. @_@

I let Roy handle him most of the time cos I'm the photographer of the day.

Running round & round the pond. We're too tired to go around catching him so we just stood one side & let him loose for a while..

Stopping for a while to catch his breath & admire the lilies. Lilies are lovely. :)

Scoot over Rabbits. Dragons are coming your way!

In Q for the boat ride.

Sharing his dragon headband with Yee yee..

He's just so active & kept climbing up & down or in any tight/narrow corners..

Feeling happy in the boat ride down the river bank.

Party of 4 + 1/2. I'm glad the guys can help me to babysit J whenever we went out. My sis & I can sit back and relax for a while..

The guide showing us the actual size of an ostrich egg. Almost as big as J's head!

Roy complained that I always make him do these kinda pretend poses.. Fun mah.. :D

25th Jan, Wed

1st day of work after cny. Ernest from IT dept sent over a angpow for J, sooo sweet of him!

26th Jan, Thu

Mom dressed J up cos we're bringing him along for a dinner treat by William.

I whatsapp a pic of him to Lily to show her that J's wearing the osh kosh that she bought for him from LA. She exclaimed,"Awww he looks sooo handsome!! What a big boy!! Heee I got tears in my eyes liow.."

Love her for loving J. :)

We had dinner at this szechuan restaurant at 112 Katong.

What a huge spread! And William still worried that it's not enough.. @_@

Did you noticed J's wearing shorts here?
This boy ahh.. He was watching Mr Bean in the restaurant & laughing sooo loudly that he choked & coughed & threw up a portion of his dinner!
What a mess! Lucky thing we had already finished the dinner. But I had to gobble up my mango sago dessert with my eyes closed..

Back at home all cleaned up & smelling good. Insisted on wearing the dragon headband again. Maybe he wants to go zoo again. Don't make me go and smell poop again!