Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hi Jared!

Have not been loading pictures of J recently cos really nothing much to talk about.. We didn't really go to any place interesting.. You can say we are boring folks, we're so lazy!

However, some of you peeps have always doted on J, and are asking how is he so here's some of his more recent pictures, all taken using iphone. Lazy to bring out my camera lah.. :P

Shopping at Parkway Parade. I've been coming here since I was a kid and it still holds a place in my heart and now I'm bringing J along as well.
Level 2 is more like the kids' level, with a lot of stuff for the kids. Kiddy rides as well.
J loves Thomas & Friends. What about Uncle Thomas? Lol..

Barney's not his favourite but because his favourite colour is purple, I guess Barney is acceptable lah..

We all watched Sesame Street when we're young, so I make it a point that J does too.
He likes to stick his hand into their mouths if you've noticed.. =_=

J is a fan of Peppa Pig, a character with a big head & skinny legs created in UK.
Yoyo got me the cup when she's in manchester, and J got so excited over it. He even hold onto the cup when he's sleeping.. =_=

I know he's a bit too old to play with alphabet puzzles but he still loves his ABCs..

This year, I'm too tired to do a xmas party. I know I should but I just can't find the mood to do one. So no party means no pressies. Well, J still received some though..
I feel so bad I didn't prepare pressies for JZ & YX. N mind, I will pack them a bigger angpow next month.. Lol..

This was from us, the biggest box!

Recently he likes to play hide & seek. Sometimes he will hide one corner & keep quiet. Refused to answer even when we called him.

Purple elephant from William, which has become J's sleeptime companions, besides his stinky bear, dalmatian, pillow etc..

Present from Cyan's mother.

Mothercare tees from Carmen.

We're not sure if he likes drums so we bought a extremely cheapo drumset from metro sale in expo. Turned out he actually enjoyed making noise out from them. But he has broken one drum & the mini chair that came with it. Who wants to sponsor a better set? Any takers? :D

The complete set. He will sing along when he strummed.. In such a slow rhythm that it really sounds like funeral music.. =_=

Old navy sleeper that I asked Yong to bring back for me. This boy likes to flip up his shirt & expose his tummy when he sleeps, so no choice I have to source for one piece pjs for him.

Early morning on boxing day J wanted to play his thomas train set. The one below was his birthday pressie from Carmen last year. That set off his interest in trains & tracks.

Roy asking a kiss from J, for behaving so well & keeping his hands away from the train. :)

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