Friday, December 30, 2011

Handyman Roy

William bought sound box system for his 1 year old home and he had no idea how to fix them up so had to call Roy for help. Good thing we're not staying too far away..

His place is full of CDs/DVDs/Blu Rays/Stuffy Toys and etc..
J kept himself very busy with the stuffies..

William has this cabinet with an opening in the centre, where he used it to display his stuff. This time round is Christmas ornaments. Next month will be CNY stuff bah.. Another house visit soon for the angpows!

He's a avid supporter of Daiso. Seriously, they have all sort of stuff for home..
Maybe I should get some for the chinese new year, just for the fun of it..

I think this star's from Ikea.

J was totally engrossed in those stuffies.. "Bring them home, boy!"

I guessed he must've gotten bored & demanded a piggyback ride while Roy's pouring over the instruction menu.

Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la la la la la...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

High Tea at Intercontinental Hotel

This hotel holds a special place in my heart. Roy & I love this hotel, we used to book their rooms for sanity breaks, and also when Yong was leaving for Seattle for studies.

So here we are again, this time round is a reunion get-together.
I think they've always use the same xmas tree but different ornaments.

Everything was giant size..

Love the old shophouse feel..

I had lychee flavoured black tea, I love anything lychee..

Here's our 4 tier food.

Roy & Yong almost hidden behind the tiers.. :)
Roy got to know Yong through me over the years, and I'm glad that they can get along so well.. Roy is almost like a big brother to her liao..

Overall I still prefer english high-tea that allows us to ask for refills, cos there're some where it's very nice but cannot ask for more again. I want my Goodwood Park high-tea!

Roy & me.

So far the best scones I've tasted are the ones from the Copenhagen, that's situated at Takashimaya.

I love their wooden staircase so got Roy to take photo of us there.


I remembered I took a pic of the 3 of us during Christmas in year 2004. Lemme go dig for it..
We looked happy?

After tea, we dropped by Shimei's place to see her baby, Yixin.
Big baby versus little baby.

Yong loves babies too. I think she will make a good mom next time too. :)

YX is dressed in blue cos all her older cousins are boys & the clothes are recycled. I think blue looks good on her, doesn't make her look like a boy though..

Glad that she has put on more weight cos she was tiny when she first arrived.

Overall, the outing was meaningful with catching up with 2 of my bestest buddies in the whole world. I love them both dearly.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hi Jared!

Have not been loading pictures of J recently cos really nothing much to talk about.. We didn't really go to any place interesting.. You can say we are boring folks, we're so lazy!

However, some of you peeps have always doted on J, and are asking how is he so here's some of his more recent pictures, all taken using iphone. Lazy to bring out my camera lah.. :P

Shopping at Parkway Parade. I've been coming here since I was a kid and it still holds a place in my heart and now I'm bringing J along as well.
Level 2 is more like the kids' level, with a lot of stuff for the kids. Kiddy rides as well.
J loves Thomas & Friends. What about Uncle Thomas? Lol..

Barney's not his favourite but because his favourite colour is purple, I guess Barney is acceptable lah..

We all watched Sesame Street when we're young, so I make it a point that J does too.
He likes to stick his hand into their mouths if you've noticed.. =_=

J is a fan of Peppa Pig, a character with a big head & skinny legs created in UK.
Yoyo got me the cup when she's in manchester, and J got so excited over it. He even hold onto the cup when he's sleeping.. =_=

I know he's a bit too old to play with alphabet puzzles but he still loves his ABCs..

This year, I'm too tired to do a xmas party. I know I should but I just can't find the mood to do one. So no party means no pressies. Well, J still received some though..
I feel so bad I didn't prepare pressies for JZ & YX. N mind, I will pack them a bigger angpow next month.. Lol..

This was from us, the biggest box!

Recently he likes to play hide & seek. Sometimes he will hide one corner & keep quiet. Refused to answer even when we called him.

Purple elephant from William, which has become J's sleeptime companions, besides his stinky bear, dalmatian, pillow etc..

Present from Cyan's mother.

Mothercare tees from Carmen.

We're not sure if he likes drums so we bought a extremely cheapo drumset from metro sale in expo. Turned out he actually enjoyed making noise out from them. But he has broken one drum & the mini chair that came with it. Who wants to sponsor a better set? Any takers? :D

The complete set. He will sing along when he strummed.. In such a slow rhythm that it really sounds like funeral music.. =_=

Old navy sleeper that I asked Yong to bring back for me. This boy likes to flip up his shirt & expose his tummy when he sleeps, so no choice I have to source for one piece pjs for him.

Early morning on boxing day J wanted to play his thomas train set. The one below was his birthday pressie from Carmen last year. That set off his interest in trains & tracks.

Roy asking a kiss from J, for behaving so well & keeping his hands away from the train. :)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

High tea at 10 Scotts

My very good buddy, Yong is back in town for 3 weeks. I've missed her so much!
She's been busy settling down and spending time with her family but we've managed to make some time for each other to catch up. So as promised, I've brought her out for high-tea.

My favourite english afternoon tea is at L'Espresso at Goodwood Park but the timings that day wasn't very accommodating so I sourced for another place. Decided to try out 10 Scotts at Grand Hyatt. I really wanted english tea style where they have scones & sandwiches available, easier for Yong as she is vegetarian. Plus, we are not entirely big eaters.. :P

10 Scotts is located on the lobby level and the set up somewhat resembles a big study room. I think as it's a weekday and wasn't crowded so we had the whole row of sofas to ourselves, with a nice view of the cascading waterfall in the background. What's tea without tea and tier of finger food. Of course there were other food available at the counters like dim sum, pastries, fruits etc. But that later..

Close up. I had to eat quite a number of the meaty stuff as Yong doesn't eat them.. Phew..!
And they were all available for refills, just let the server know which items you like to have again.

Jars of kaya, cream & strawberry jam and they were all freshly made.

I know we looked kinda orange-gy but I din bother to edit the photos..
I've known Yong for more than 10 years now, really took a lot of effort to remain close to each other specially she's been in Seattle for so long and we both have our own family and all but we did.. :)

Yong was at first dubious about the scones as she said those in the states were hard & plain but I assured her the ones here will be different.
So she's pleasantly surprised that they were warm & soft & sweet with plum raisins, so nice!

Yong had a lot of fresh strawberries & blueberries while I tried out their sweet delights..

I'm not a big fan of raspberries partly because they had so much of seeds! But I just had to take a closeup of this as it looked so cute & colourful.

I presumed this strawberry jam is homemade as it just taste so fresh & nice!
Forgot to ask if they are selling them or not..

The jam went very very well with the scones, we had a lot of them. I supposed it's considered healthy? :)

Overall, it's a nice experience, ambiance & food. Most importantly, it's the company that mattered most of course. We actually talked from 2pm all the way to 5pm, with intervals of fruits & pastries. Made our trip & money most worth it.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Little Vietnam in Joo Chiat

Ben's back in town so Yoyo arranged for a get together, have dinner somewhere to catch up.

It's a small group, just 6 of us. Easier to get a table & everybody can hear everybody. :)

OB wanted to try this authentic vietnam eatery near to a sleazy karaoke pub in joo chiat. This place was packed with their locals & most of the women were dressed in short short skirts.

The rest all had beer while I had my usual papaya milk.. Still working hard to increase boob size. :)

This seemed like a must try food. The ingredients was fresh.. But I'm not a big fan of mint. :P

All listening intently at what OB was saying..

Deep fried quails. I was commenting not sure if the dark quails will turn up in my photo, Yoyo then stuck out her thumb to give me some contrast. Lolololl..

Now this soup was the highlight. It tasted like tom yam soup but it's more fragrance & sourish. Fish was extremely tender & went very well with kang kong & mee hoon. Yoyo & I had a few servings of the soup, wondering what made the soup taste so good?
It's not until OB was scooping & looking for scraps that he found pieces of lard inside. Oh I see..
Now I feel guilty drinking so much soup.. @_@

Satisfied after dinner. We looked like some of "them" standing outside by the roadside.
Ben & David looked extremely funny in this picture, hahahahahaaa!