Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween at Hess

Sunday, 30th Oct

J's teacher asked us to dress him for halloween on sunday cos they will be bringing the children around the neighbourhood for trick or treat.

This boy doesn't like to wear cap or anything other than shirt or pants on him so very difficult to make him wear costume. So we just got a cape, a axe & goodie bag for him to bring along. Watching Mr Bean again..

Playing while waiting for the earlier class to end. I'm too tired so I just watched him went up and down the stage countless times..

Getting the hang of the rhythm of music.

Decorating the place really make it look more interesting & lively & the mood to celebrate.

The principal is dressed up as Bob the builder, so cute.
J touching the blade of his axe to see sharp or not. Haha!

But once he saw us from afar, he insisted on grabbing onto me, making it impossible for me to take pictures. So I forbade Roy to go for his toilet break and made him go & hold J's hand instead.

Making sure I'm still around while making their way downstairs.

We went to Joo Chiat CC next door and Bob the builder made the kids say trick or treat to the staff there.

Korean restaurant staff after that.

Mira the witch watching out for J.
And Bob the builder almost pecah lobang. Too bad I didn't zoom in.

Last stop is at Chess society, the staff adores the kids and gave them a lot of sweets.

Too much for J so he gave me some. Luckily he didn't demand to eat them.

Time for photo session, again J refuseed to let Roy out of his sight so no choice he had to hide behind him. Haa..

Drayden is simply not interested and minding his own business. Kids are funny..

A trip to the Dentist

Sat, 29th Oct

Had a appointment with doctor to do fillings for J's molar cos there's a hole, and he's not even 4 yet. I think it's my fault for not taking care of his teeth. :(
And this boy still wakes up at night to drink milk. What a baby! Really very tough to stop him from drinking, if not he will scream at the top of his lungs in the middle of the night.. And then maybe the neighbours will call in the police.. -_-

Went to GPA at Parkview for the appointment. They've got a kiddy's room for the kids to play while waiting for the "moment".

Happily watching Hi-5 and insisting on sitting on his own. Still dunno what he's getting himself into.. Heh heh..

Dr Phang showing him which is the bad tooth.

I think I better sit with him, to hold him down mann..

Cried his heart out, face all red & sweaty. It's really not that painful but maybe some uncomfy feeling..
I remembered when I was young, I dreaded going to the dentist cos I can hear all the kids inside screaming so loud, must be damn painful. J's like one of those screaming kids mann..

Still can managed a weak smile after the treatment.

Dr Phang gave him a Nemo sticker to reward him for being a brave boy, heh..~

Roy paying up at the counter. The 2 patient relations managers (big title, haha!) are actually twins! But I can't take picture of them up front though..

Feeling happy & relieved back in the car. Silly boy!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sony Workshop

Well, I wanted to learn more & get a better understanding of my machine so I attended a outdoor portraiture photography last sat.

Went to Fort Canning Centre on time at 0830hrs. Shanghainese model with her back facing me and the teacher (Richard) briefing her what to do.

She looked so different with make-up and tight dress on.. We took a lot a lot of pictures but I'm not gonna load everything here in case you get bored. Heh..

I must say it's not easy to think of how to pose.. I'd rather be the woman behind the lens..

A change of clothes, into flaming red.

What long and shapely legs.. Bet she had them shaved..

Richard is a "light" photographer, meaning he needs a lot of lighting props around, whether in the day or night. Those props weigh a ton, and he used a trolley bag to bring them around mann.. So pro..

The rest of the class..

Model was tired from all the standing so she took a breather behind the pillar.. But Richard pointed, "Oei, go stand there..!"

Richard is a wacky & humorous guy if you can tell from the picture.. He made the session fun & interesting for us. I learnt a lot of tips from him too. Hope I have time for more sessions in future..

Monday, October 17, 2011

Here's looking at you, Baby

My best buddy Shimei, has finally given birth last sat, 15th October 2011. So happy for her..
And I'm excited to meet her and taken some photographs for them.

Shimei + Jason = Baby (yet to be named)

So happy that she opened her eyes when we were there!

I swear she's looking at me!

Alert look

Looking forward to day 14 where I can do a photo shoot for the family. Stay tuned.

Day Out at Resort World

Roy's company is sponsoring hotel stay + tickets to universal studios at Resort World over the weekend so we went as a family.
Anyway, ever since the wooing days (back in 1999) when Roy will bring me to Rasa Sentosa & tried to con me, we've not been there since..
So much changes..

We got a room at Hard Rock Hotel. As usual, checking out the place first thing he stepped into the room.

Not forgetting rolling on the bed too.

Just climbing all over the place lah..

I asked Roy to chase him to the toilet so that I can get a picture of the room.

Closeup of Sting on the wall.

Saw the boys checking out the digital weighing scale.

I should get me one of these!
But I think J will break the glass mann..

Kinda retro looking to suit the theme.

Just doing his own business..

Making sure everybody take their shoes off. I know, the carpet can be quite dirty.. -_-

View from our window.

Leaving a message for the chambermaid, lol..

Roy teaching him to hold his pencil the right way while his eyes are roving elsewhere.

Can you imagine it's actually our 1st trip to USS?
Super sunny that day.

J being super tense & serious on the Madagascar ride.

Most of the pics that Roy took on my dslr were blur including this one, so not sure why it turned out clearer in the blog.. Lucky!

Giving J kisses without fail everyday.

Nothing to do while waiting for the carousel ride so asked Roy to take pic of us three.

Looking so stunned on the ride..

Not sure why most of them love french fries & hash browns. Is it cos it's deep fried?

I think he enjoys feeding himself but I don't want him to make a mess of his shirt!

Back at the room for a break, taking some shots.. This is the inside of the lamp.

Self shot.

Love that they have a extra pull out bed beneath the bed. J & I slept there that night cos it's too cold. Should have brought my maid along..

The wardrode is linked to the toilet so J had a fun time walking in & out All The Time!

Attempting to turn his head to face me but failed miserably.

I heard this transformers ride is only available in sin.

We didn't get the chance to take the mummy ride too with J in tow. Too bad..

Shot of the day.

We're all tired & sweaty from the heat, while waiting for the next ride.

Candy trees.

Tired & hungry so we tried out their room service. And it's not cheap, $20 a plate!

After that still hungry so Roy tabaoed curry chicken & laksa from Toastbox, best!

J boy in dreamland.

At the lobby the next morning for breakfast, with the just woke up look.

He caught a cold due to the crappy weather, damn it!

Entertaining himself while I finished up my food.

J pushing his stroller around the room while we started packing up. Boys will be boys, cannot stay still for long..

Finally! Time to check out! Don't think I wanna come again unless it's free, again.