Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Youtube uploads

Uploaded some clips of J from my phone..

A idol in the making! Lol..!
Not sure if you know the "Xiao Lao Shu" song but it's J's attempt at a chinese rhyme.. He sounds like a angmo talking in mandarin though..
And the microphone's full of drool, yikes! Don't spoil Aunty Carmen's gift to you ok?! :)

Ever since J recovered from the bronchitis, we keep asking him not to jump if not he'll get excited and started coughing again. So instead of jumping now, he swing his hips instead.

At central. Making him say 1,2,3 before clicking the shutter. He likes to walking underneath the lanterns and disturbing others who's trying to take pictures. =_=

Monday, August 29, 2011

Over the weekend

When peeps ask me how's your weekend? My typical answer would be, same loh.. Bring J to weekend class and spending our time on him. Zzzz..

But last sat, we brought him to paya lebar, at Singpost building. There's a chinese sinseh that my sis went to for consultation after her chemo sessions. To mainly build up her qi and immune system. For J is to see his constipation problem and general well being.

Saturday, 27th Aug

I didn't know normally the whole family is seeing the sinseh, and they're not even sick! It's a long wait mann..

J loves his yee yee & Dennis dearly.

Sunday, 28th Aug

After class we went to bugis & central to shop for a bit. There's a lantern fair on the ground floor and J's super excited, as you can see his cheeky face. His national day mood still lingers and he kept shouting Happy Birthday, Singapore!

Another ndp theme Merlion lantern he wanted to take picture with.

Love you a lot.

Monday, August 22, 2011

My other baby

I've not had much chance nor time to use my sony, unless I get to go out. Since my mom's complaints about bringing J out too much during the 7th month, since he's a pangtang boy, that's why fell sick blah blah etc.. Don't bring him out, say why we don't bring him out. Brought him out, fell sick say why we go crowded places.. Aiyah, I can never win her. I've found my competitor. -_-

So.. I just took some random pictures for practice.

I've always been a Strawberry Shortcake (SSC) fan since primary school, other than smurfs, my little pony etc. Mom would not allow me to get a lot of the miniatures so I only had 2 of them. So after I've started working & earning my own $$, I've been buying online from ebay to fulfil my childhood collection.
Love the blue & green background, 2 of my favourite colours!

This was the other of my first 2 precious minis, apple dumplin. I will bring her along in my pocket wherever i went.
Carmen babe, ain't she a cutie?

A chess set outside the chess society office.
Took while waiting for J to finish his class on sunday.

I've recently acquired a external flash for my camera as the built-in flash cannot make it. Eager to try it at home.
J's fascinated with my big-ass camera & flash and he's willing to pose for me. But I must count 1,2,3 first..
This was taken without flash, natural lighting.

This was with flash bounced up the ceiling.. But bright enough to make J squirm his eyes..

So I tried again..

And again.. Arghh!!!

Then Roy said I don't count 1 2 3, catch him unexpected. It worked..!

For a while.. =_=
After the Hi-5 frenzy, he's back to sesame street again.. And will dig up all the stuffies to cuddle.

Ok, successful pic with eyes open. The lighting looked so natural. I love my flash!

Friday, August 19, 2011


J has lost about close to 1 kg during the recent bout of fever/flu/cough. My mum told me last time when I was young, I used to get very high fevers too. Maybe he followed me in this aspect. -_-

This was taken 2 weeks ago, during his 1st round of fever. As you know his eyes are not very big but everytime when he's sick, his double eyelids will appear for some strange reasons. So pretty. But really too bad they don't stay once he gets well. Of course, I'd rather he's healthy all the way, than pretty!

J has MIA from school for a week liao, and his teachers are so sweet, dropped by our place yesterday to see how is he. He gave them a big hug and suddenly became so well-behaved! He sit down beside them while they chatted with my mom.

A handmade card from his classmates in school. So sweet..

And toy cars too. Better than his birthday mann!
Ya, get well soon!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Sorry I've lagged in post.. Cos J has been down with fever & cough for the couple of weeks.

Initially he started puking for a couple of times about 2 weeks ago on a wednesday, 27th Jul. I thought he might have a stomach upset so we went to the PD in tampines to get a anti-vomit capsule to stuff into his anal to stop the puking. Well, it stopped the puking but he had a slight fever after that. Took a day off on thursday to look after him. But gradually he recovered over the weekend.

Then around last week, during the national day week, we brought him out couple of times cos we need to do some shopping, and went ikea too. Revamped the study room a bit.

At ion orchard. This boy insisted on taking the national flag everywhere we went. And that day happened to be National Day, so it's not too silly.

Then he had a fever again on wed night. I took a day off on thursday again.. sigh.. Initially my mom blamed me for feeding him too much of the orange cod-liver oil, resulting in phlegm in his throat. Then she said I shouldn't be bringing him out shopping cos he just recovered around 2 weeks ago. Then she said again why am I bringing him out for walks downstairs as it's the 7th month now. But the best part was that she said J cannot attend baby's full month celebration. =_=

I decided not to argue back, I think that's the best reply. I know she dotes on J but now is not the time to find someone to put the blame on. What matters now is to help J ease his discomfort. Every time J falls sick, I will groan in misery cos he is a difficult patient. He will be so cranky and whine the whole night. Ended up the adults suffer as well, as we'll be up all night tending to him, monitoring his temperature & sponging him.

His fever lasted for 3 days before the cough broke out on saturday. Roy asked me if we should bring J straight to KK. I thought thru a while, this will be our 3rd trip to KK, izzit too exaggerating? But after seeing J coughing his lungs out, I got a bit worried. What if it's asthma? The thought sent me packing up his stuff up right away. I didn't even have the mood to eat my dinner. The crowd is building up slowly. We guessed others came only after dinner. KK is still the best place to consult for kids as everything is available here. The doc took blood test & xray to find out what's wrong. J has some wheezing in the chest so the doc prescribe 2 medicine inhalers for him, to quickly open up his swelling airways . He's so scared of the mask being forced down over his nose & mouth that he struggled like hell. Need 4 of us to pin him down. Sweated so much till his hair's wet and he was so tramatised that he even puked a little. Really heartpain mann..

At the waiting area, at one corner, awaiting the test results.

As expected, we have to wait for quite a while before they call J's name. He was so tired that he dozed off in Roy's arms. There're bits of stickers on his hand cos the nurses stuck on him while he was thrashing away during the inhaling. So even when he slept, his fingers are still busy.

Ok, results out. Doc noticed some phlegm in his lungs, some swelling in the airways but not serious enough to be warded to drain the phlegm out. She advised that this is very common among toddlers less than 5 years old cos their airways are still narrow. I'll have to avoid bringing him to crowded places for the time being in case he caught the viral again and praying hard that this won't happen in future as he grows older. As for attending school, guess I have no control over that. Hopefully other parents are responsible enough not to bring their sick kids to school then!

I'm tired. =_=

Friday, August 05, 2011

Irrelevant post

You know sometimes miscommunication can happen anytime, anywhere when you
least or never even expected. And it can happen to a new friend, mutual friend,
and even old friends.
And things that you've said out, you never thought how much it will affect another
person. I admitted that sometimes I've said a lot of harsh things to my closest friends,
that I've hurt their feelings. Maybe that's because we've known each other for so long
that complacency set it, we're just taking each other for granted. But somehow or rather,
we valued our friendships too much and not jeopardize it that we always managed to
thrash it out eventually. A sincere sorry to each other is always accepted at will.
We love each other too much & not to ignore one another. I wouldn't want to lose my
dearest friends for any silly reasons. This is what I called true friendship.
Sometimes I've said things which I think it's a fact to Roy too but I guess I've bruised
his vulnerable male ego. And instead of telling me straight, he decided to use
the silence treatment. And it's driving me crazy & I can't take it cos I still need to face
him each day leh.. Have to trash it out with him too, had a long & effectively talk to
make sure we don't have any hard feelings & we made up. Makes me realised sometimes
I just have to be careful with what I say to anybody. What you meant to be a joke might
hurt another's feelings. So I believe communication is very important in any relationship
be it love, friendship or work.