Thursday, May 19, 2011

Birthday Celebration - Part 2

13th May, Friday

I've been trying to keep a bit low key this year.. Cos I'm officially middle-age liao.. I know age is just a figure but still.. we can't escape from the harsh truth, haha!
Anyway, my peeps have been ever so sweet to celebrate my birthday for me. God bless them!

Lily has been the sweetest pie to me since she came to our office. She first surprised me with her birthday breakfast to me 2 years ago.
This time I asked her to take a pic with me. :)

My bosses wishing me first thing when they stepped into the office too.

I've had my birthday breakfast for the 3rd year liao.. This is my signature pose for this year.

See this '09 post :

And last year '10 post:

Do I look older? Kaakaakakaaa!

Perfume from my boss!

I took half-day off after lunch so that Roy can bring me out to celebrate too. We went to Raffles Hotel, Tiffin Room.

I love Raffles Hotel, for her rich history & vintage surroundings. A secluded oasis in the middle of a busy town. Old building amongst the new buildings. A lot of Caucasians stay in the hotel, even though a room can cost around $400-500 a night! Sheeshh..~

The inside of the hotel is equally exquisite.

Gives you a dreamy feel, makes you just wanna sit back & relax & stare into space.

Peace. Before I dig into the food.

A lady harpist playing flawlessly on the harp. Really relaxing..

Roy & Me!

A birthday cake on the house.

It's a nice chocolate mousse cake but we're really too full to finish it. And too shy to pack to go too. Haaa!

Sneak peek out of the window.

Met up with half of the makan gang at Vivo that evening at this nice Japanese restaurant. Followby movie at GV.
So much of food, as usual.. :P

More food!

SHock giving us a pep talk like how he would talk to his students.. =_=
But he's so funny.. Heh..~

A precious picture taken by a staff.

We went to Fruit Tart Shop for 2nd round, cos we're too noisy at the restaurant that everybody kept turning round & look at us. Matter of time before the people in fruit tart shop turn to look at us too.. Heh..~

We ordered 5 different types of fruit tarts to try out. Not all are nice though..

The reason why Piddles smiling so pathetically is coz the birthday song they sang for her was pathetic! Like somebody just punched them in the stomach & no strength to sing etc.. :P

Nonetheless, she is one happy Piddles cos her peeps took time-out from their schedules to celebrate for her. She loves them very much!

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