Thursday, January 20, 2011


Today is already the 3rd week of January 2011 and I'm still at my 2nd post. I'm slow.. or rather nothing interesting to write about lately, lol.

And for the past few weeks, J is down with cold & cough, bitten by the flu bug which is in the air right now. All thanks to the rainy season nowadays.. Which is awesome for me cos it's so cooling & I don't have to switch on aircon/fan during bedtime.

So I'll just blog about a bit on J.

He's currently attending a 2hr playgroup near my place cos he just can't survive a whole day childcare.

And so, I was just thinking to myself, am I not kiasu enough? Should I enrol him to more enrichment courses so that he can catch up with other kids? Of course I also want the best for him but he's just a 2 year old kid, and he still has many many more years of studies to go, must I really dump all these on him now? Or just let him enjoy a bit more of freedom & childhood. Sigh.. Decisions decisions.

Like my dad always say, if he's smart means he's smart. And Sarah only started school when she turned 4, and now she's P2 and she's the smartest kid at her level.
But that's her. What if J is not smart at all.. *frown**

Anyway, I duwan to think too much now. As long as J is happy, didn't kick up a fuss and still enjoys going to class good enough. We won't know what will happen in future also..

So every morning, before I left for work I'll kiss him goodbye & if he's in a good mood, he will return a kiss and wave goodbye back to me.
I'm as fair as him.. Almost!!

Roy went to pick him up after school. What a baby, still need teacher to carry him.

Not sure here, he wants to leave or wants to go back to class. Ha!

As the aircon in class is quite cold & J has not fully recovered yet, we let him wear long sleeve tees beneath the uniform. All the other mums saw & subsequently follow suit. This could be a fashion trend! Haa..

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