Sunday, January 30, 2011

Little Red Monster Part 2

After pouring out my grievances, everybody's making up to J by getting him more Elmos.. @_@
I wonder if I should put up my wishlist here too.. *sly smile**

Nowadays when we reached home, J will head straight to his beloved red monster.
Took a clip of him shouting out loud, this was what he was shouting on that fateful day. Maybe "she" finds it irritaing. WTF.
Yeeyee got him a elmo tee. :)

And and.. Godpa dropped by and gave him 5 sesame street muppets! :):)
J's favourites are Elmo & Big Bird.

Now my house are filled with colourful SS stuff. The muppets are NOT CHEAP!

And Elmo is the only muppet that has legs, the rest are just the bodies. He's the most ex also.
Jared boy, never mind if "she" dislike you (or me) for some unknown reasons, you are well-loved by the rest, ok? Don't forget that!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Little Red Monster

To make up to J, we got him 2 Elmos over the weekend. Big E from Roy and small E from sis.

No wonder Jared is always throwing tantrums.. cos he's always seeing red. Lol..

On the way back home from TM. Roy got him the big E and he refused to let him out of sight.

Sometimes I look at J, or how you peeps look at him like he's so harmless and lovable..
But in actual fact, infront of me and family, he really is a terror & his screams will bring the whole house down. =_=

Feeling mighty happy that he got his big elmo.

Can't really decide if he prefers elmo or stinky bear?? Lol.

Going out for dinner later in the day.
Only Roy & J have hardrock tees cos it's too ex if I were to get for myself.
And also, just too tacky if all of us wear the same outdoors. Haaa..!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What in the world..

I'm still struggling if I should post this.

Really feeling frustrated and ridiculous and not sure what on earth did I do. But since there's no way for me to say out loud, I might as well note it down here in my blog, I'm so filled with unhappiness & grudges that I just wanna let it all out. At this point of time, I really cannot be bothered if it will affect any relationships cos it's the cold hard truth. And I never expected it, maybe I should have seen it coming.

All kids love Elmo, not sure why. So when he saw Elmo lying on the mat and nobody seemed to know his existence.. He picked him up and gave it a big hug. You can see his eyes sparkled with excitement and he kept shouting elmo elmo elmo!

You heard the commotion and came to see what happened. You proceeded to take the muppet toy in hand and asked your own softly, Who bought this present for you? It's Aunty ****. As if he understands. (Roll eyes) And of course we all know it's his birthday present lah!

When he held out his little hands, shouting elmo wanting to touch the muppet, you actually (gasps) hid it behind your back. And subsequently kept all the toys away and left with nothing for him to play. He walked away innocently, not knowing what has taken place, to explore the rest of the place.

I'm utterly disgusted.

Why on earth would you do that to a 2 year old boy? Or why on earth would a mother do that? Specially to someone who's actually related by blood with your own. Your husband is earning big bucks and you can practically have anything you want, but to think you would fight over a muppet with him?

Come on lah, I'm not letting him bring elmo back home so why you so shit scare about? I've nothing personal against you but for you, already a middle age individual you are actually not willing to share a freaking toy with a little boy.

Sis, me, mom & even godpa can buy 10 elmos if we want ok? What makes you think I'm so hard up for it, please lah! What does that make of you as a person? What you did will just make me see the uglier side of you and detest you even more than ever.

I've met a lot of nasty people in my life but you top the list without a doubt cos your target is a baby! I have no respect whatsoever for you cos you are downright cruel to my J. I dunno if I should feel sorry for you or feel sorry for my ....

What have I done to you to deserve this kind of treatment to my son. Stop pretending to be someone filial or nurturing or whatever, I've seen through all your pretences. I don't want to see your face and I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore. I don't owe you nothing.

The feeling was overwhelming and I couldn't take it anymore. I packed up and left on the spot, leaving my folks behind too.
Sorry mum, I just had to take off. Thanks for letting me know, if not, I'll still be like a idiot, letting her do things to J behind my back.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Chalet @ Changi

Actually I've absolutely no mood to do this post. Will tell you why later.
But these were the only photos that I've took over the weekend, so a short one.

It's Cyan's birthday last sat so they had a chalet at Aloha Changi, in one of the old bungalows

The place is huge! Humongous & old. Just make everything look so small.

The kitchen is huge too! Kinda scary, if only a small family is staying in there.
There're 6 bedrooms with adjoining toilets too, really big.

The 2 cousins.

With grandpa & grandma.

Learning to walk soon.

We stayed over on friday night, and J slept quite late. Hard to fall asleep there.

Ok, more on J. I'm happier already.
This boy really loves bubbles, and he's soapy all over, from head to toe.

As most of you know, J is super pampered and spoilt by all of us. And he can get very vocal and noisy and scream at the top of his lungs (and that gives me a headache) if he doesn't get his way. Other than that, he's actually very lovable.. (lol). Just can't figure out how anybody can be nasty to him.

Wish I have J's baby smooth skin.. Both Roy and my face are so shinee!

Mum saw these plastic glasses in the goody bags, so we took out to pose a pic with it.
Mum is wearing 2 glasses though.. @_@

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Today is already the 3rd week of January 2011 and I'm still at my 2nd post. I'm slow.. or rather nothing interesting to write about lately, lol.

And for the past few weeks, J is down with cold & cough, bitten by the flu bug which is in the air right now. All thanks to the rainy season nowadays.. Which is awesome for me cos it's so cooling & I don't have to switch on aircon/fan during bedtime.

So I'll just blog about a bit on J.

He's currently attending a 2hr playgroup near my place cos he just can't survive a whole day childcare.

And so, I was just thinking to myself, am I not kiasu enough? Should I enrol him to more enrichment courses so that he can catch up with other kids? Of course I also want the best for him but he's just a 2 year old kid, and he still has many many more years of studies to go, must I really dump all these on him now? Or just let him enjoy a bit more of freedom & childhood. Sigh.. Decisions decisions.

Like my dad always say, if he's smart means he's smart. And Sarah only started school when she turned 4, and now she's P2 and she's the smartest kid at her level.
But that's her. What if J is not smart at all.. *frown**

Anyway, I duwan to think too much now. As long as J is happy, didn't kick up a fuss and still enjoys going to class good enough. We won't know what will happen in future also..

So every morning, before I left for work I'll kiss him goodbye & if he's in a good mood, he will return a kiss and wave goodbye back to me.
I'm as fair as him.. Almost!!

Roy went to pick him up after school. What a baby, still need teacher to carry him.

Not sure here, he wants to leave or wants to go back to class. Ha!

As the aircon in class is quite cold & J has not fully recovered yet, we let him wear long sleeve tees beneath the uniform. All the other mums saw & subsequently follow suit. This could be a fashion trend! Haa..

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Over the weekend

I was telling OB that I've not played MJ for a while so we fixed up a game at boss shock's place last friday. It's our first game of the year! Want to have a good start mann. But I forgot to wear my red panty that day too.. -_-

Very intensive, we left on time that friday and met up with OB on the bus to marine parade.
Then we tabao food and had a quick dinner upstairs at shock's place. OB ordered all the meat stuff, and I also forgot to take a picture cos was busy eating.

Before the game start, I must take a picture of my mj kakis. I say I want to find my favourite tiles to go with my picture and the rest scurried to find theirs, only Daniel can't be bothered and rather concentrate on his lemon tea instead.

Limit liao. :)
Some say Confucius was the one who developed mahjong in about 500BC. So Mr Confucius, you are my GOD!

Roy dropped by and took over 2nd round while I relaxed, shaked legs and watched America's got talent. Need him to drive me home mah.. :D
Daniel's the only winner that night, again! Must set a rule that whoever's the overall winner must treat the rest makan. *grumbling**

Attempting to bake cookies on sunday, under my mom's supervision. She always say we must learn how to bake if not, all her recipes will be go extinct in times to come. Think so far.. =_=

I tried something simple like cranberry & macadamia butter cookies. This was the dough ready for baking.

I've got a big oven in the kitchen but have not attempted to bake with it yet. Mostly been using it to toast pies and warm up pizzas. So this was the 1st time I'm using for baking.

Didn't turn out too bad except the base was a bit burnt. Hard to control the temperature though. Need to practise more, who's willing to be my guinea pig?? :)