Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Anybody fancies a cookie?

Recently, the focus is mainly on Jared's constipation. So many of you peeps have been asking about his well being. Bless you all. On our part, we have been diligently providing him with more greens & fruits & not forgetting letting him drink more water & juices.

Last friday was quite a sticky situation cos he's actually trying very hard to force his shit out but a whole big lump was stuck at the entrance. MAYDAY MAYDAY!
So I had to call Roy to go back home during lunchtime to help mom out. Had to pump in olive oil to lubricate & soften the stools a bit before coaxing J again to give a final push. Like giving birth like that.. ('',)



Not for the faint hearted!

This was (part of it) the infamous Jared shit that had landed/bombarded it's way onto my living room floor last friday. It actually rolled underneath the sofa & mom had to sweep it out. So you can just imagine how hard it was and so BIG somemore!

As my sis & I were worried frantic at work, Roy decided to take pictures (the rest were too gross) as evidence to show us. Sis said looked like cookie dough mann, can dump into oven for baking liao. LOL. But we were both super relieved that the stopper has finally been unplugged.

Well, as of today he's off the grueling flushing but still need to depend on the medicine to soften the stools, and we need to monitor his poop frequencies. If no sai every other day, will need to administer the capsule up in his backside. Poor thing, we still cannot let go of his backside.

But I really think he needs to play his part by pooping willingly and not holding back. Cos the more you hold back, the harder & drier the shit will get. And this constipation problem will never end. -_-

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