Monday, December 20, 2010

Rebecca Soon Sze En

We went to visit Sze En (ya I prefer her chinese name as most of you peeps would know why.. :P) over the weekend. Sze En is the niece of my good buddy Yong, she's borned in Bangkok & her mom is Thai. But now both mother & daughter are finally back in sin, reunited with Yong's brother. Everybody's relieved & happy.

I got Sze En a little teething toy cos her 2 front teeth are coming out soon & tasked J to hold onto the package. From TM, we walked a couple of blocks & J's hanging on to the precious prezzie all the way to their doorstep. So fun to see him trooping along lugging the bag.

We introduced ourselves carefully with no big HIs or HELLOs in case we spooked little Sze En.
It worked and she's delighted with our company, even did a hi-5 with Roy. Yeah!

The reason why J's the only one who's blur here cos he's jumping up & down as usual.

And this boy ahh... Ask him to hug/kiss Sze En, he went to touch & poke her cheek gently & shouted yeah so loud! Like he's accomplished something great like that.. =_=

Sorry I looked like a total "aunty" here.. During weekends I simply can't be bothered with makeup & contacts anymore.. Maybe that's the reason why Sze En kept looking at me, wondering where this Aunty came from.. Haha!

A better shot but J's in the way though.. :P

Ok, a closeup shot.

Mom & Dad in the background, while Roy's trying to make her laugh..
Another little sister for J to mingle with next time.. :)

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