Friday, December 03, 2010

Little Jeffson's Full Month Party

Went to Jack's baby boy Jeffson's (heh heh) party at Jumbo Restaurant at NSRCC last saturday.
Brought J along cos he's bored all cooped up at home for the past few days..

Waiting for daddy at the entrance while he went to park the car.

As usual, J went around and check the baby out. And when he saw everybody crowding around them, started to clap and dance and jump about. Then when the uncles & aunties started to say what a happy boy, he put on a wide grin & danced some more.. *show-off**

After that, he started zooming around all over the place.

And poor me had to go around chasing after him.. Tired..
After a while, he paused in his steps and just stayed still.. Was wondering what happened..
Oh, he dumped a crap! Finally! We quickly called and informed my mom & sis and all were rejoicing that he pooped! More exciting than striking 4D mann!

Jack on the left, boss in the middle with his son & Jeffson & mommy on the right.

Me & J. So little hair, same as moi.. =_=

Dunno what's it with the grannies, like to put this bonnet on him. Looks girly mann..

Can't resist carrying babies, they all smell so nice..

He seems big against me, for a one month old baby.. :P

It's just hard to make J focus, this was the best I can get..

J is scared of tickling but still wants Roy to play with him.

Going off but not without stopping by to check out the kois.
Of course J can't tell the differences, he just said fish!

J keeps sticking out his tongue recently, maybe cos I'm trying to wean him off pacificer.
I dunno about Roy sticking out his tongue though..

Went to do groceries at white sands after that.
Notice say do not knock on glass panel but J was seen banging away on the glass.
Poor rabbit. LOL.

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