Thursday, November 25, 2010

Updates on J

For the rest of the week, J & mom will stay at home instead of dropping him at my folks place in Joo Chiat.

So yesterday after dinner, we did the flush on him. He was taken by surprised when he saw us preparing the tubes & saline on the kitchen floor. We felt bad that this time round, we had to be the ones to meddle with his backside, Roy, me, mom, dad & maid. He looked at us, crying & struggling about till his hair's wet with sweat. I think he felt betrayed. :(
He had nightmares & kept waking up at night. I'm grateful that my mom & maid were there to handle him while Roy & I can get some rest for work the next day.

Today, we carried out the mission a wee bit earlier, in order to let J sleep earlier. We were preparing for the worst reaction from him.. but on a surprising turn, J actually appeared quite cooperative & didn't cry at all. Either he knows that no matter how much crying or resistance he put up, we'll still poke in his backside or he simply resign to fate. "My backside is yours, take it & do whatever you want with it.." Or maybe Roy & I are skillful enough to make the process a comfortable one for him.

Anyway, doctor advised we let his backside rest on friday, see if he can crap on his own. Off day for us too. If no shit again, we'll carry out the flushing on sat & sun.

My dear Jared, please try your best to pangsai ok? It will make everyone very happy.


  1. Hope J will get well soon and pang sai normally!! O_O (Poor Piddles and Roy must be real exhausted!)

  2. Ya boy, will need a few months to regulate his bowel movements. Really a crappy headache! :P


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