Saturday, November 06, 2010

Godma Piddles

Ok, today I'll be more diligent a bit and do a short update.

As I was telling Carmen a few days ago that I'm missing Lauren & worried that as she's getting a little bigger each day (approaching 4 months) that she might not recognise me anymore.. So Carmen decided to bring her to visit me instead, also to check out my home. Yeah, me so happy!

Lauren's snoozing away when they've arrived so I asked Andrew to lay her down on the sofa.
But the moment she lie down flat, her eyes opened and did a stretch. :)

Jared trooped over to check Lauren out (haha!) and took her toy instead. Of course immediately I said hey J, this is Lauren's toy!

So Roy made him give Lauren her colourful toy keychain.

While he's still fiddling with the other one.. =_=III

Looking so cool & serious sometimes with her arched eyebrows. With her looking straight at you, makes you just wanna carry her up & cuddle her.
Hope the little angel kisses on her forehead will fade soon over the months.

I couldn't tahan so reached out to carry Lauren up. She's just so cute with her little hands clasped together.
Maybe she's secretly praying, "Dear God, please don't let Godma squeeze me too hard with her cuddles & hugs..." Haha!

What J did in the meantime was jumping up & down, telling the rest that he's very happy & end up sweating buckets. Lauren's holding on to his pants but J doesn't seemed to realise it.
"Hey boy, can you please be a bit more attentive to little Lauren?"

And after that he proceeded to bring out his toys & play in front of Lauren while she looked on.
"Hey again boy, can you please share your toys with Lauren?"
But he bo hiew me as usual..

But for now, she's contented with her orange marmalade creature.

Ooooh, look at her chubby cheeks! They will most probably last till she's at least a year old, after that will slim down gradually.
Alas, I missed those days where J himself was a chubby & cute baby.

And she's starting to see more colours now other than red, white & black.

Still holding on tight to her marmalade toy. :)

When Arti held Lauren up, J quickly stood up too.
Ya lah, of course you are taller one!

So Arti carried her up higher, to be as tall as J..

We all had a good laugh watching the two of them.. :D

Sliding down on daddy Andrew's thigh..

She really has pretty pretty eyes right? What a darling..

Training her to hold her bottle so can give mommy a wee bit of break.

Family photo with their capable helper, Arti. Thanks for taking such good care of Lauren!

One with daddy carrying Lauren. Andrew is such a doting & hands on dad who enjoys carrying & taking care of Lauren since birth.
Roy's only ready to carry J when he's older with stronger back muscle cos he thinks infants are super fragile.

Another one with Carmen carrying Lauren, while Roy & I were making her laugh in the background.

Yay, our turn next!
Will make it a point to see her more often, so that she'll remember me & always see me with a smile instead of a cry. Hahhhh!

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