Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Crap Headache

I think some of you are still concern about my little J, so I'll just fill you in from here.

All along Jared has this crappy constipation problem. It all started a few months down the road after he's off my breastmilk (no more big boobies for me..) But never did we expect that it would turn out so serious this time round.

He has been complaining about tummyaches since the start of last week by crying real loud and cramping his tummy, breaking out in cold sweat. He did pooped a few times so that made us assumed that he's having diarrhoea. Went to see GP on tuesday, prescribed some medicine and all was ok on wednesday (haji holiday). But on thursday he showed signs of pain again. Friday was the last straw when he started wincing in pain & feeling nauseous for the whole day. So after work, we decided to bring him to KKH instead. Even though the wait was painfully long, KK's still the best hospital to go to as they specialize in women & children ailments.

Doctor felt his tummy & felt some hard stools so comfirmed he's still having constipation. But after he administered 2 dosage of laxatives into his rectum to see if he can pass out poop, nothing came out. That's why he suggested xray for the little boy to see just how much shit was contained in his intestines. Gotta admit for the night for observation.

This was taken on saturday at around 3am in the morning. We were all exhasted but I just couldn't catch a single wink that day. I just sit next to him and rub his tummy when he whined in his sleep.

The doctor came during his night rounds & suggested putting J on drip in case of dehydration or even worse case scenario, sedate him to extract the stools manually. In order not to disturb the others in the ward, I carried him to another observation room and the doctor administered the drip behind closed doors.

The cries coming out from a drowsy J was simply heart-wrenching & indescribable. He bled a little from the needle but my heart was bleeding that very moment too. How I wish I can replace the pain for him instead.

My poor boy :'(
My tears just roll uncontrollably.

For the next 2 days, the doctor in charge advised flushing of his bowels to get rid of the stone hard stools. That involved pumping in olive oil into rectum to soften and breaking down the stools. And 1 hour later to pump in saline to flush out the loosen stools..

All 2 litres of saline (2 bottles)! My god! Who can take it, let alone a little toddler?!! But what to do? Have to get rid of the shit.

This is J after the grueling flushing. Couldn't sit up and had to lie on his front. Roy and I were feeling heart pain for him all the time.

Roy's brother & Sarah dropped by. School holidays have already started so Sarah insisted on coming to KK to see J even though she also has a phobia of hospitals due she was admitted before when she's younger, for refusing to eat for 3 days. A 2 year old on hunger strike? Kids nowadays full of problems. =_=III

My eldest uncle & aunt also dropped by to see their grand nephew, J is well loved by them. So sweet of them. And those who've smsed me everyday to check on J's well-being, thanks peeps, love ya all.

J's exhausted most of the time as he will scream & thrusted about with all his might during the flushing session. And he will just smile and clap his hands at familiar faces & went back burrowing into the blankie.

More settled down after a while. We brought all his favourite books and dvds to keep him occupied and not think too much about the ordeal.

The hospital normally allow one parent to stay overnight but Roy couldn't bear being away from us so he had to sleep on 2 chairs. But then I couldn't bear him sleeping on the hard chairs, in the end both of us squeezed onto the single foldable bed.

But his snoring and the remaining in one position for the whole night in order not to fall off the bed made me sleepless for a few nights. Once I heard J's whimpers, I shot up from the bed to soothe him back to sleep.

My dark eye circles couldn't get any darker. Luckily I still have my SKII foundation to cover them up. *proud*

One of the nurse got him a balloon, when she went off duty. J didn't show any signs of distress cos she's dressed in civilian.

But J has developed a fear of the nurses or anyone in uniform that came near the cot as he would assumed that they're bringing him to poke his backside again. He will keep crying & waving goodbyes to them.

And he refused to get out of the cot at all times, not even allowing us to carry him anywhere. And the curtains must be drawn and he will be protected in his security area. If I try to draw the curtains, he will cry immediately. =_=

Another round of flushing. Everyday 2 rounds of flushing.
He will only allow daddy to carry him, and will hide his face in his armpit and keep absolutely still & quiet, pretending to be invisible.

Only when the nurse came near then his face crumbled into tears. I think he got traumatised and fretful of everyone there.

I took a video of the procedure but my buddy said don't load it here cos it's painful to watch.
So if you wanna see, let me know.

24th Nov, Tue

It's finally the day for J to be reviewed by the doctor and see how's the condition. She doesn't feel anymore hard stools around the tummy area but advised us upon discharge to continue the flushing at least 1 time a day till end of the week.

As expected he refused to let us carry him and hide at one corner of the cot but once I said "J, please put on your shoes cos we're going home".. He actually stretched out his feet for me. Guess this was the magic word that he's been waiting to hear all weekend.

So now J and mom are at home and we've been feeding him more greens & fruits. Still waiting for the magical moment when he can poop on his own. Will go for followup check next monday. Praying hard that all will be ok.

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