Tuesday, June 01, 2010

What a lazy long weekend. I'm so lazy that I didn't bother to take photos too. Like on last friday (vesak day) we went over to Carmen's place I also forgotten to bring my cammie. She so sweet, purposely made bread pudding for us, even though she moves much slower these days, due to little Lauren growing bigger each day in her tummy. She showed me little booties & mittens she crochet for Lauren, soooo cute but I also forgotten to take pictures of it. *grumbling*
Next time lah!

Anyway, I'm feeling under the weather on saturday cos had a really bad headache. So Roy asked if I want fried carrot cake from east coast rd (cos I've been grumbling he went there for breakfast w/o me after he dropped J off at mom's place). Then I said just carrot cake not enough, please walk across the road & get me Mei Yuen's wanton mee. For OB, here's the packet wanton mee, all fat and soggy!

Smiling to myself as I ate the fried carrot cake. So hot & sweet & spicy & soft & yummy! Really awesome, at least to me.

And not forgetting finishing it up with a packet of kopi kao. Satisfied already. And I slept for the rest of the day, cos really freaking hot outside to go anywhere. Normally I'll take long naps on sat, to make up for the sleepless nights of feeding J during the weekdays. And Roy after making me happy with the breakfast, I gave him permission to go play golf. :P

Getting ready & dressed up for class on sunday. Nowadays seldom take pictures of J at home, don't wanna bored you guys wait you might think Piddles is obsessed with Jared. Heh..

Anyway, wanna show Yong that this is her favourite polo tee/colour combination of blue & white from Babygap. His attire that day were all gifts, top from yong, bottom from leng (all from states) and hammer from Dennis. Jared is loved by all.

Striking a cute pose initially.

Afterwhich he stick his finger into his mouth. :P

Stick shot of J & Piddles. That's how I look like at home, plain & looking like an owl. @_@

Later in the day, after J woke up from his nap, we were feeling quite bored so decided to go cycling. Initially thought of east coast but scared might still have the oil slick smell so went to Pasir Ris park instead. Something new for J.

While riding along the coast, passed by a playgroup so waited in line for the swing. J loves the swing, since his days in mygym. He enjoyed himself that day.

But J has lost his cubbiness liao, legs still so skinny. Like mommy. -_-

Afternote: Roy saw the post, commented on J on the swing. Looks like he's wearing a gigantic diaper. =_=

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