She got some SK products for Hoops at transit so she decided to popby with the kids to her place last sat. Sweet of her.
Vyan's mood that day should be quite good cos he didn't cry when coming into the house. Which Hoops mentioned later that he normally would when going to unfamiliar places. So I think my place is quite baby friendly & comfortable. :P
Which also explained, Verlyn is so at ease that she's able to help herself with the toys without me asking her to. Just so amazed how the kids seemed to know what to do & can entertain themselves.
So anyway, trying to gather the kids together for a group shot was virtually impossible cos they're all over the place!
For some reasons, all 3 of them trooped together into one of the rooms so we quickly took the opportunity & rushed in to take some shots of them, before the boys turn away again. Only Verlyn is professionally enough to smile at us. She has such a smiley face. :)
J has a ridiculously short fringe cos as he keeps moving about when mom is cutting for him that she accidentally snipped off a length higher. =_=
J throws a fit when he sees them leaving and he wants to follow too. No choice, maid has to bring him downstairs for a while. Hoops's hubby & mom are waiting by the car.. Bye bye Hoops, next time we'll dropby your new place instead!
Well, Jared still looks cute even with short hair. :)