Thursday, June 24, 2010

Housewarming & chilling out

Piddles got a 2nd reminder that she has not update her blog. Arghh~
Kinda stressed and I hate to crack my brains to think how best I should write on my post. Maybe I should go singlish but like not setting a good example. What if next time J reads my blog?? Hahaha~
Wait, did I post any naked pictures of him? I hope not!!

So, Jack & wifey (who's already 5 months pregnant) shifted to Simei about 3 weeks ago and we're invited to a simple housewarming and homemade dumplings.

Leng & Pearl reached there earlier so that they can have a go at making the dumplings.
Jack's from Beijing so they're really into their dumplings, considering that as one of their staple food. They can like just have dumplings alone for lunch or dinner.. =_=III

But of course with different varieties and ingredients. Something new for us.

Took a picture of Lily taking pictures. Hey, it rhymes!

Jack's cutting up the winter melon to make melon soup with beef balls. Kinda nice!
But I think most of the soup was finished by Lindy. She's a soup person.

Football pitch pizza from PizzaHut. Crust too thick, don't like it.

Everybody's crowding around to make the dumplings but I don't wanna get my face & clothes full of flour. Haha!

Nicely done. Quite a distinct taste, the "liao" are nice but I find the skin too thick. Can only managed 2 pieces though. Daniel actually wolfed down more than 1o!!! @_@

Jack & wifey. Erm, Piddles & Roy wouldn't dare to display their pictures in their home though.. :P

And in one of the shelves, I found a small terrapin, its alive!
Everybody thought its fake though..

The rest have not arrived, so we took the 1st group shot.

Linda had a go at making the dumplings too. Looks too big to fit her mouth.

And it came in all shapes & sizes. Got curry puff one somemore.

The spread was simple yet heartwarming with homecooked food. Its nice!

And they quickly settled down for a round of mj. Who else!
My mj kakis. Actually have not played for quite a while, really missed that. And of course, the comforts of my study room, with aircon, music & sometimes green bean soup. :D
OB had a lucky hand, and he's the only winner that night. Grrr~~

Anyway, Roy came along & took over Nic and we finished 2nd round around midnight. By the time we reached home & showered, its already passed 2am. Mann, I was so tired the next day. Really no stamina for mj, must play more then. :)

So basically we just relaxed at home & chilling out. Roy even forgo his golf mann, so must be damn tired.
Had a craving for TB (toast box) so asked maid to handle J while we sneaked out to tampine one in the evening. Bought the book by Catherine Lim, A leap of love. That's after watching The Leap years the movie.

After finishing my laksa, proceeded to my peanut butter thick toast! A tad too thick though, would be perfect with another spread of thick butter. Oolalalaa!

Next to TB is this new cake shop called Icing Room. Lotsa girls crowding around, and some sissy guys.
You can choose any 3 sizes of the cake (vanilla, chocolate, lime) and toppings with 6 colours cream, 2 jellies & chocolate strips or something. Quite kawaii actually.

This is the smallest cake, think I can finish within a few mouthfuls.

I miss Mr Bean. Stoopid, all the good stores like Mr Bean & Toastbox all closed at the airport. But then again, I also don't really do lunch nowadays, another excuse to lose some fats then!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Piddles is quite happy last week. Cos she has finally seen Vyan after 1.5 years! She last saw him when he's only a day old, at Raffles hospital where she went to see Hoops after her delivery. Heh..

She got some SK products for Hoops at transit so she decided to popby with the kids to her place last sat. Sweet of her.

Vyan's mood that day should be quite good cos he didn't cry when coming into the house. Which Hoops mentioned later that he normally would when going to unfamiliar places. So I think my place is quite baby friendly & comfortable. :P

Which also explained, Verlyn is so at ease that she's able to help herself with the toys without me asking her to. Just so amazed how the kids seemed to know what to do & can entertain themselves.

So anyway, trying to gather the kids together for a group shot was virtually impossible cos they're all over the place!

For some reasons, all 3 of them trooped together into one of the rooms so we quickly took the opportunity & rushed in to take some shots of them, before the boys turn away again. Only Verlyn is professionally enough to smile at us. She has such a smiley face. :)

J has a ridiculously short fringe cos as he keeps moving about when mom is cutting for him that she accidentally snipped off a length higher. =_=

J throws a fit when he sees them leaving and he wants to follow too. No choice, maid has to bring him downstairs for a while. Hoops's hubby & mom are waiting by the car.. Bye bye Hoops, next time we'll dropby your new place instead!

Hoops got a esprit tee for J by the way. She so stressed over choosing the right tee but thank goodness, J loves guitar!
They popped by at Carmen's place before meeting her folks for dinner that evening.
Carmen is so domestic, already baked banana walnut muffins & after that, peach jelly.
Love her round tummy, Lauren is due to meet us in about a month's time!

J engrossed in iphone while Piddles is busy chatting with Carmen. His eyes one big one small, cos just woke up from his afternoon nap. Haha!

And I remembered to bring my cammie cos I wanted to take pics of the cutest little pink booties that Carmen crocheted for Lauren! Just so tiny against my palm! Awwww~~~

And the furry ones too.. Soooo cute right?

We walked over to the pool area and J can't resist dipping his legs in the baby pool. Will bring your swimshorts next time round ok?

Such lovely golden peach jellies, and super chewy too. We devoured all that very night!

Piddles loves anything with bananas in them (edible ones - just in case) muffins, crepes, chocolate fondue etc..
So Carmen's banana walnut muffins confirm are nice, but will be nicer if the bananas are riper! :P

Friday, June 11, 2010

Nothing much happen over the weekend so din bother to take any pictures too. Might as well change the template to new design. What you think of my new background?

As some of you might have known that I will skip lunch occasionally as I'm still trying to loose some fats around my tummy, so.. I will stay in office to snooze or just reading the papers..

Happened that yesterday, I decided to take a walk in transit area to check out the bookstores. Bought a book, so might as well sit down somewhere to start.

Initially I just wanted coffee to go, then I saw the eggs staring back at me, beckoning me to eat them. So ordered the set instead. Found a corner, with my back to the outside world settled down and crack my eggs, munch the toast and slurp my coffee.

It's actually quite nice to be left alone once in a while..

Its a novella by Stephenie Meyers, same author from the twilight series. I know, the books are for teenagers but Piddles loves anything with vampires in them, especially after Anne Rice, really nothing interesting to read about the creatures of the night.
Will try to find interesting stuff to do this weekend.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

10 years already!

1st June is a special day to Piddles & Roy. It's the day when Piddles has finally agreed, consented, gave in to say YES to Roy's countless pleas & to be married to him legally.

But it's also exciting & the right timing for both of them as their new home was almost ready in sembawang, just waiting for the married couple to collect the keys & move in. No more travelling to & fro from Yishun to Bedok every weekend, yipeez!

Anyway, here's us! At a tender age of 25 & 24. Gosh, we were both so young & skinny! And wondering what lies ahead of us.

Flashing the Victory sign, married at last!
Roy grinning from ear to ear, at last his hardwork has paid off. More to come! Haha..

And many things had happened during the 10 years, mostly leading a carefree life with lotsa travelling, getting customary married in '04 (will try to dig up some pics), more travelling, getting preggy in '07, shifted to pasir ris in Apr'08 & gave birth to Jared in Jul'08.

We have come a long way, baby!

So anyway, we don't really celebrate anniversaries every year, lazy & also can save up some $$. But then again, to be able to tahan each other for 10 years is actually quite a achievement leh!

And so yesterday, we had a small do after work. Requested off day from mom and went for dinner at The Blue Ginger at Tanjong Pagar. They had this 1 for 1 offer for uob cardholders so must make use of it.

It's in a quirky 2 storey shophouse serving authetic peranakan cuisine. But their core business is into catering. We were the 1st couple to walk in when they opened for dining at 1830hrs. Kinda awkward when the waiters' attentions were all foused on us.

Definitely some changes from before & now. Put on significant amount of weight & sagging chins & tummies..

The achar was super nice & crunchy with lotsa crushed peanuts and the belachan was super spicy. Need to pay also, not free.

Nice indent of glass on the coaster.

Their Kueh pie tee - Shredded bamboo shoots and turnips garnished with shrimp in pie tee cups. I tell you, its shiokness! Think I can down 10 at one go but this was a set menu. -_-
Duck salad on the right.

Their homemade Ngo Heong with minced meat & prawns seasoned with five spice powder.
Below - Crabmeat & minced pork meatballs with bamboo shoots soup.

Their varieties were not bad with (clockwise from left) peranakan mixed vegetable dish, seabass with assam curry, otak otak, grilled chicken thigh with coconut & spices and sautee prawns with pepper in sweet dark soy sauce.

And of course, most important of all, their Chendol! Roy's durian chendol on top. The gula melaka (brown sugar) really out of this world, very aromatic and goes very well with the red beans. I don't really fancy the green wormlike jelly but it's quite fresh & waste if I don't eat it. The durian is thick yet bitter, my kinda durian!
Really the grand finale..~~~

I'm like advertising for the restaurant hor? :D
My favourite there so far was the Ngo Heong, achar, the soup, kueh pie tee, and not forgetting chendol.

And the crowd slowly crept in, with angmos at almost every table. I can hear them in british, german, french & spainish, ya got a table of hongkies too. Guess it's popular with the expats.

Why Jared boy doesn't follow Roy's traits of deep set eyes & sharp nose?? Or they have not emerge yet? Haha!

The only evidence that J has of Roy are his dimples. The rest are 98% copyrights of Piddles.
And so.. while Piddles is at it updating her latest post, she asked him if he has any words or comments for the 10th anniversary so that she can mention in her blog...

R: "Thanks for accompanying me all this while"

P: "That's all???????"

R: "No words can describle on this 10 years of our lives together. However, the only thing that remains forever is I will always love you & boi!"

P: "Very much???"

R: "Ya lah!"

P: "Much better. Thanks for loving me & tolerating my tempers, please continue to maintain that."

R: "Haha!"

So Happy Anniversary to us & many many more good years to come!
~The End~