Friday, April 23, 2010

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, specially this month. Since mom came back from sembawang (thank goodness!), we decided to bring J back home after work so that we could spend more time with him, and also to let mom rest more at night, after taking care of him during the day.

But this also means that we have less time to do anything else too. When we reached home, wash J up, played with him for a while and finally settled him down for the night, we were so dog-tired ourselves that we often ended up sleeping early with him. Well, Roy actually will sleep along with him while I slap myself awake to go out do the laundry and prepare his milk stuff for feeding in the night.

So even though, as much as I would want to blog & share with you my thoughts and pictures of J & friends, I'm just so physically tired. So when recently, the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull at Iceland has caused cancellations & disruptions of flights to Europe in the airport, I couldn't even afford to stay back a bit to offer help to my fellow colleagues. I feel so bad. But you know now, that some of us do have our own difficulties & commitments, just that you need to know the reasons behind them.

Anyway, enough of my grumbling.. Just uploaded 2 clips of J which I took last week, will need to go rummage for the rest of the photos I took much earlier. Enjoy first!

Jared has finished his last term at Mygym last sat. Was thinking of letting him learn something else rather than working out this time. Todds his age are already talking while he still does his babytalk. =_=

Learn something like golf? Haha!

We went to this golf store and Jared as usual will walk up & down & around the whole place. Really makes me dizzy sometimes. And there's this little green corner with putting holes where you can try out the various putters (golf stick in case you dunno :P). Let J had a go at it, and he scored at the 2nd try! Haha!
After that, he keeps going back and wants to take the putters, making me more busy cos I have to make sure he doesn't drop them and dent them. All brand new stuff & crazy expensive ok?!! =_=III

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