Saturday, April 17, 2010

Piddles's cousin, Gwendolyn has given birth to her 2nd son and they're invited to the baby's full month party about 2 weeks ago. They have moved to Pinnacle @ Duxton recently, so this was Piddles first time there.

In case you peeps didn't know, Piddles has a fear of heights, and they are staying on the 35th floor! And it cost a cool 490K, even parking is not free on sundays.. :P
She dare not look out of the window, even though there's a little balcony there. There're butterflies in her tummy!
So she zoomed her powerful G11 (ha!) to the next block and saw a playground on the 2o something floor.
So here's little Ken Owen Lim. Can't really tell if he resembles Marc kor kor, we'll see again in another few months time. :)

Piddles looked out of the window again cos really can see quite far from such high floor, searching for Shimei's block nearby. She noticed at the old everton flats that they're growing crops on the rooftop! Another step to a greener city.

There it is! 3 of the brown blocks, the centre one.

There're a lot of babies that day, enough to form a playgroup, and everybody gathering around for a group shot. But Jared is busy walking around as usual with toys in hand, in his own personal world completely unaware of what's going on around him.
Piddles trying to grab hold of him for the shoot!

Ok, finally got hold of him, holding on to his crotch area for support, hahahahahh!

Altogether 13 kids, including one baby hidden behind the nursing cloth drinking milk from his mummy on the extreme left.

Trying to make J turn his head for a shot!

There! Love this pic.

Marc stretches out his hands for Roy, that explains the happy glee.

Marc is 3 months younger than Jared and he has a little brother liao. The old folks are asking when Piddles is having 2nd one. -_-
Piddles rolls her eyes and replied, after she strikes toto, first group bah.

Her turn to carry Marc. Much lighter and softer than J, and doesn't struggle as much.

Painted by Gwen on the dining table wall.

Haven't seen JZ for a while and Piddles missed him so they trooped over to Shimei's place after the party.
JZ sharing his toy with J.

JZ so cute, will show us what toys he has in the little black box.

Paparazzi moms taking picture of the boys as usual.

There're so many toys in the box but J has to take the one that JZ is holding instead. +_+

JZ is a much mellower boy and doesn't run around amok like J, and taking pictures of him are a joy, cos not blur at all!

The folks will just sit around, and watch the 2 boys playing.

Piddles likes to take pictures of her from behind, this way her head will seemed smaller & cuter. Haha!

KO on the way back. :)

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