Thursday, April 08, 2010

Port Dickson/Malacca, Apr 2010

After coming back from taipei, Piddles left for another trip the following week. This time it's a road trip with family to Port Dickson & Malacca. Initially though of flying somewhere but really having doubts how Jared would react in the plane so we tried out on land first. We took off in Dennis's forrester cos its more powerful & of course, better equipped to entertain the little monster.

On 1st April, they picked us up bright & early. Even though it's a just a 3 days 2 night trip, our luggages were already filled with Jared's stuff, with a big bag of his food supplies/diapers & half of my trolley bag with his clothes. It's a big operation with a baby in tow, with a checklist in hand.

Stuck in the usual morning peak jam on the expressway on the way to tuas.

GPS enabled on top and dvd player on below. Brought lotsa dvds to keep the little monster entertained in the car.

Looking totally engrossed liao. But in order not to let him shout or scream, we armed him with his stinky cat, hammer & pacifier first. Just to keep the journey in peace & quiet. Hee..

Finally passed through immigration at the 2nd link in a breeze, unlike the crowded causeway.

Dennis drove while Roy navigated, and struggling to keep awake in order to keep Dennis awake, haha!!

Somehow, seeing a fellow s'porean car made Piddles felt more at ease..

Pit-stop at a overhead bridge with eateries and they decided to have lunch at A&W since its not available in sin anymore. Lotsa flies in the restaurant though, damn disgusting. On one hand, they're busy chasing after Jared, the other hand busy waving the flies away.. =_=

Their most famous would be the root beer float, curly fries & corny hot dog. Brings back memories..

Along the way, came across a number of animals like cows, monkeys, big lizards & even mountain cats.
Can skip going to the zoo for a while liao..

Quite a long stretch of winding roads, making the girls behind groggy.. When are we ever reaching Legends??

Piddles wonders who will have time to read the signboard?

Finally! Arrived at Legends International Water Homes at Port Dickson. Waiting at the lobby while the guys doing the checking in.

The room consisted of 2 king size beds, a kitchenette & private pool. Really hot outside so the boys were quite excited and can't wait to jump into the pool soon.

Piddles likes this table with light so that she can see the milk powder and bottles when she wakes up in the night to make milk for Jared.

So easy for the boys to strip down to their swimwear and take a dip in the pool. Piddles and sis were still cooling down and relaxing..
Mad love this photo.

Forgotten to bring J's float along so we use the life buoy instead. =_=

Roy loves this corner, cos he told us the next morning that he was watching movie on iphone sitting on the stool while drinking a cup of coffee at night.

Piddles forgotten to take away all the packets though.. :P

Now it's Piddles relaxation time. Ahhh~~

It seemed like home, for a while. Messy right? Heh..

Going out for some dinner and also checking the place out. Daddy and J are quite far from the room so Piddles gotta shout out to catch their attention.

Dennis with his power dslr taking a shot of our room, situated right at the end of the chalets stretching out into the open sea.

Yup, they're all built over the seawater bed.

Morning glories along the way..

Paparazzi taking photos of superstar Jared boy! Hahahaha!!

They had ala carte dinner at the restaurant, the only one there in fact.. too tired to venture out too..

Keeping the little bugger occupied while waiting for the food to arrive.

Piddles thinks these are one of the best buns (warm somemore!) she tasted, other than the ones on board.. Goes great with butter! Too bad its not a dish.. She can just eat that alone as a meal mann! Right Yoyo? :D

Pizza that came in a row rather than the usual pie shape.

It started to pour heavily on the way back to the room. J insisting on holding onto the brolly too, making it really difficult for them to walk together.. This boy ah~~

The tide started coming in, J looking down at the water, fascinated..

Showered and changed into his tortoise PJs.

Woke up the next morning, with stinky cat & hammer in hand, and looking down at the water again..

All showered and changed, ready to go out for breakfast. This boy always like to pick up his shoes or slippers and run around..

Tranqil setting.

Breakfast buffet not that fantastic but hey, there's chicken porridge for Jared.

After filling our tummies, on the way back to room. Paparazzi time again..

Passed by a kids playground so let J try climbing the steps on his own.

And coming down.. His pants coming loose.. :P

And letting him try the still rings.

Really appreciate the boys looking after J, cos can get quite tedious.. Muaks!!!

Weather was hot, so the boys went back for a dip in the pool. J had a scare yesterday cos he drank a gulpful of pool water. After that, he refused to go near the pool liao.. :P

Hey, Piddles's face is smaller than Jared's!?!?! Hahahahh!

Enjoying life or what??!! Paparazzi at work, capturing the boys relaxing moment.

Stripped him down cos wanna change into sleeveless tee, more cooling too..

All packed and ready to leave for our next destination.

Blocking the sun for Jared the prince.

After a 2 hour plus ride, reached Majestic Hotel in Malacca. The lobby is actually refurbished from a century old colonial building and they had an annex new building where the rooms are situated. 1o storeys only, so quite exclusive.

Saw our childhood biscuits. Normally I'll eat the icing first then the biscuit.. :)

Doorway leading to the study cum high tea room.

Waiting for the rooms to be ready..

J checking out the room again, walking up and down and every corner.

Normally Piddles will jump onto the bed straight away but this time have to go after Jared so no chance to do so.. -_-

Oooo, the bathtub is those stand alone kind, hidden within the sliding doors. As J is around this time, we kept the doors closed at all times. :P
Love their floor tiles.

See, the cheeky boy probing around.. Pulling off towels and toiletries..

This is the view from our window.

He loves to poke his finger into holes and stuff.. Daddy says its his instinct.. =_=

Why Piddles can't obtain this hotel look in her home, she wonders?

Took a cab to jonker street for lunch, chicken rice balls are a must try so she heard..

Queuing up for our turn outside. Everybody flocked to try out the balls.. :P

Their baby seats are more fanciful and traditional.. And thank goodness most of the places that we went the seats are available.

Viola, here it is. Normal rice right on top and the rice balls on the top left. Piddles thought they were ok, nothing fantastic. Overated. Our maxwell chicken rice taste much much better.

But their muah chee quite tasty lah. And so is their chendol, with the gula melaka makes it damn nice. Comes in durian or mango flavour, forgotten to take pictures though..

And the long Qs continued on for the rest of the afternoon..

Christ Church Melaka and Tan Beng Swee Clocktower on the left.

Decided to have dinner at Nancy's Nyonya restaurant at jonker street again.. (Where else?) :P

Need to feed the little prince first while waiting for the food.

He doesn't like to drink plain water, fussy boy! So Piddles bought packet barley drinks specially for babies..

The restaurant was actually converted from a old shophouse & we had dinner upstairs, with creaky sounds coming from the wooden floor when people walk pass.

Cheeky boy sitting on a cane baby chair this time, with one leg raised up. -_-III

Playing peekaboo when Piddles sang the song.

Forgotten to take a picture of the porridge that Piddles bought from kiddy palace. Its from Pigeon & pre-packed, just need to warm it up with hot water. Really tasty, Piddles felt like eating on J's behalf. Heh..

The pubs were the most crowded with lotsa tourist sitting on the high stools, with a beer in hand and watching the world go by..

Similar to our pasar malam.

It drizzled a bit so had to make sure he won't get drenched.. Really prince mann!

Night scene along the canals of melaka.

Changed in PJs. Jared is Piddles's prisoner! Bring on the shackles!
He wants to take a peep of the scenery outside too.. :)

Getting ready for bed. Stinky cat always with him..

Pretty, isn't it?

Final day in malacca. Playing dvds to keep J occupied while his folks're getting down to pack the stuff and head home.

Weather was really weird, can be freaking hot & sunny one moment, and suddenly dark clouds loomed ahead followed by raining cats & dogs. It was so heavy that all the cars driving in front had to on their hazard lights. Piddles finds it more dangerous this way as how to tell whether the car is driving or maybe intending to stop?? They had their fog light on instead. ('',)
Overall, the trip was good. But this was the first time Jared came along so quite a number of boo boos. Piddles forgotten to bring his float & toiletries.. And.. his hardrock tee from london was left behind at Legends.. And.. his jacket left behind in Majestic.. =_=
Well, as the chinese saying goes, 'Old ones don't go, new ones can't come.' Heh..

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