Thursday, August 27, 2009

It's Nic's birthday on Monday but she's on leave to celebrate. Piddles bought a bouquet to surprise her the next day. :P

She beamed with happiness when she saw them on her desk..
"Pretty pretty flowers from my dearest Piddles & OB! Thank U! *hugs*"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

We had popiah party again last sunday cos my sis-in-law has cravings for it.. :P

Jared in his "pooping" expression.. till his tears rolled down.. How many babies you've seen who's tearing away when pooping? =_=

Crap a lot so decided to bring him directly to the toilet to wash it out!

He seems to find it fascinating watching the water trickled down.. And mom's covering his little "dragon" while Dennis's holding him up carefully & flashing his sunkissed smile. ('',)

So much of ingredients just for one popiah serving, lots of work. Really kudos to my mom!

Jared's favourite room is Roy's study room, where lots of colourful stuff are kept, including his toy miniatures. He will always zoom inside there straight to the display cabinet and start pointing to the toys inside. Luckily they're out of reach! So he has to grab Yong's hoops & yoyo stuffy inside, hee..

Bro got us durians for dessert, i had a couple but forgotten to mix salt water into the durian husks ley.. -_-
And here's a clip of Jared trying out the taste of durian for the very first time!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Yong has been complaining the weather in sin is hot hot hot.. Well, can't really blame her considering the weather in seattle is cold most of the time, like it rains at least 50% of the time but then, their summer it hovers a pleasant 14degree celsius. So it's really nice & comfy for people like Piddles who don't like to sweat. Haha! When will her 3rd trip there be?? She wonders wonders wonders..~~~

That's what a true buddy is all about. Fulfilling all of Piddles' wishlist! (despite her so busy schedule.. :P).

Being a dental hygienist means she is one who's particular about her patients's teeth being clean & giving advices about keeping their teeth healthy. Here she gave the boys kid's toothbrushes to give them a headstart. Hey, no free toothbrushes for the adults? ('',)

Jared's first bus ride! Roy need to work last saturday so Piddles armed with Jared & maid in tow took bus 3 from pasir ris to tampines. One lady (female ok?!!) was kind enough to give up her seat for Piddles & Jared. Or maybe cos she saw Piddles carrying Jared like want to die liao.. Hiak hiak..~

Yong is so sweet, gave Jared a big fat angpow (in US dollars $_$), as much as Godpa's liao. He is such a lucky boy, just that he din realise it now. Piddles will remind him again! In the meantime, she is eyeing at the angpow precariously, hoping Jared don't crumple or lost it.. ('',)

Piddles misses Yong's mom's famous steamboat, what makes it so special is that its all vegetarian. Yup, they're vegetarians but Piddles lufffff their homecooked meals!

The cherries & blueberries that she brought back are still so fresh & juicy! The blueberries quite bland but the cherries are sweet! Fresh ones she meant. The usual preserved ones here are yucks!

As usual, he refuses to learn how to walk & prefers to crawl instead. The floor's made of marble & quite slippery for him, his legs keep spreading open. Hee..

He seems to enjoying his crawling but its hard work for daddy pidds!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Piddles' dear friend, Yong is coming home from the states, for 3 weeks. And 4 years ago, she came back for Piddles' wedding (god bless her), and its been sooooooo long since, even Jared has arrived and is already 13months old that she finally decided to make a trip back. This time, to see her dear old granny, family & also to renew her IC. visit to US embassy & running errands.

Well, she told Piddles that she'll be arriving at midnight on thursday and won't expect them to meet her since they've to work the next day but you know, being a longtime buddy & one who can pull some surprises, Piddles decided to (you guess right) surprise her on arrival. No matter how late it is, my dear friend.

She ever mentioned that calla lilies are one of her favorite flowers, her wedding flowers so Piddles did some research & sourcing for some nicely blooms for her. Awaiting for the "superstar" at the arrival level.. And without any makeup on & dressed in tee, slacks & slippers. Yawnzz..zzzz~

When is she coming out?? Oh well, camwhore with the lilies then.. So pweeety~~

There she is! Emerging at the stroke of midnight! Yong is pleasantly surprised & touched to see Piddles & Roy waving frantically at her. (Er, her folks are still on the way.. :P) And after giving her a tight long hug, Piddles reluctantly passed over the lovely calla lilies to her. Heh heh.. Her eyes lit up like a little girl upon the bouquet but scolded Piddles for spending a bomb afterwhich she turned back to look at the lilies & caressing them with gentle hands. :P After the hoohaa, they chatted & stayed with her till her folks arrived, and they tiredly dragged their feet home, washed up & settled down to bed. Zzzz~
Welcome home again, Yong!

Every week is pretty much the same.. but this week a little bit more to look forward to cos my buddy from seattle is back! More on it in a bit but thought you might like to see what Jared boy is up to. :)

Notice that Piddles & family are all wearing stripes?? :P

Downstairs waiting for daddy's car to arrive.

Flashing his crooked grin at Piddles again.. Aww~

Jared has this peculiar habit of zooming into Piddles bedroom infront of the bathroom & does his business there. Maybe he wants to go into the bathroom but out of reach? Here you can see him keeping still & concentrating on pooping. =_=

Grabbing on his stuff toy, standing on a relaxed pose & watching the commercials..

A closer look revealed it's Charlie Brown, which Jared likes to bite the hands and cap. Yucks!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I let Jared sit on the kiddy ride the other day. The boy so scardey cat refused to sit down to enjoy the 50cents ride. Next time don't let him sit liao, save up my money. :P

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Didn't really go out so frequent cos Jared is recovering from cough, so just took pictures of him at home for the past 2 weekends.. It's so hard to take candid shots, everytime i aim the cammie at him, he'll just stare straight at me or make a grab for it.. -_-

Whenever i feel tired of carrying him, will just plonk him into his mercedes & he will just zoom around the house. The maid will follow him around though, cos his itchy hands will just go and open the drawers and washing machine door. This boy ah..

Wore a oversize singlet, with the big opening. Showing off his smooth & fair shoulder.. Oolalahh~

Feeding cough syrup to him in a syringe.

Poor boy, hope you'll recovered soon!

Feeling much better last weekend, and he loves tumbling on my bed.

He always like to do sommersaults, with our help but this time roy held him upside down instead. Hee..

We very siao parents hor? But Jared boy seems to enjoy it.. ('',)

Chatting with the next door neighbour.. The aunty likes Jared boy a lot.

Cuz Sarah dropped by on sunday to visit him. Do they look like siblings? :P

Cuz Sarah is actually quite the expert in using her daddy's iphone to take multi shots of Jared!

Tried to let him practise his walking, with wobbly legs that is.. -_-

Grew tired after a while so roy "kiup" him with his legs instead.. Hee..~

Father & Son Moment.

Other than wants to Eat Everything, he also wants to Grab Everything!

Crawling is still his best forte. :)

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Happy Birthday, Danny!

It's Danny's birthday on 06Aug, thursday but we met up for dinner on friday instead mainly bcoz it's start of the weekend and we can enjoy the dinner & the company for as long as we want!~

Waiting for the rest at OB's office. This time, our makan gang was not complete, some overseas, some on leave for personal reasons.. :P

OB's TUMI backpack. That time he wanted one cos they're having some great discount, so i tagged along & got exactly the same one for Roy. Hee..

A CD player for Danny, just what he needed for his cubicle. Pity his fella cols cos they'll have to listen to his golden oldies from next week onwards, haha!

Waiting outside at the arrival hall for Carmen gal to arrive, Leng & Nic are so famished that their legs are giving way so they have to take a seat first.. Hee~

Since there're 9 of us, we decided to book the airport minibus, they can take you anywhere in singapore for a flat fee of 50 bucks.

Ooo, they even have a TV but not showing any movies.. only brief intro on the country.. yawnz..~

Mat grinning like yogi bear upon alighting & the passerby cyclist wondering what's so funny anyway.. Hee!

Not bad at all!

Ate at a non-airconditioned bak kut teh store along joo chiat road. No fanciful restaurant or fanstatic ambience, just plain good food & good company. Priceless. :)

Actually we had more dishes but managed to clear some to make way for the curry fish-head & huge claypot bak kut teh. Hee..

This is my favourite & pricey "ngor" fish, dunno how to call it in english. (Yoyo, help!) Huge, fleshy & absolute heavenly!
ps: Yoyo later told me it's called Treadfin. :D

Another satisfied evening, and followby long weekend!