Monday, July 13, 2015

It's that time of the year again.. (Part 2)

My peeps have always make a point to celebrate for me
before the actual day but I had a bout of gastric so had
to reschedule to a week later.. No matter.. I'm touched
to the core.. We had a wonderful dinner of my favourite
steamboat fish head and we headed for some drinks..

Leng makes sure the soulful song is sang, a wish is made &
the candle is blown.. Hehh..

My mahjong kakis..

Wish I can kiow ka at the beach just like in the card..

And of course I'm truly thankful for these two gals who've
always been by my side all these while.. and they had screened
Roy before anything else can take place.. Hahahahha!
So in a way, their friendship is priceless to me. I love you gals..

I had a wonderful birthday this year, thank you.

It's that time of the year again.. (Part 1)

I always have mixed feelings during the month of May..
I mean I love Labour Day & Vesak Day holidays..
However celebrating my birthday somehow feels like
I'm celebrating for getting older.. I suppose I should be
thankful for that and also those close to me still remember
& are taking time & trouble to spend this special day (week)
with me.. :)

First up.. Lily will always buy me birthday breakfast
each year without fail..

So Roy dropped me at the pickup point & he told me to open the
boot. Omg omg, did he hide a bouquet of flowers in there??
Then he pulled out this box containing a monitor!

Cos I have been complaining for the longest time that the IBM
monitor on my desk sucks big time so he got this for me. Hahahaha!

And so I have to lugg this huge box into the office all by myself..

Of course on the actual day was spent with the Man in my life. Hehh..

My ex boss Vernice sent me this.. I hope I am!

I must say those whom I've worked for (Male or Female)
have been most kind to me, I'm truly blissed in a sense..

My dear bosses (past & present). =))))

One of the best & most practical pressie sitting on my desk..!

A day at the Fire Station at Tampines

Oh my god! I have been putting off updating my blog for
the longesttttt period.. I really don't know why I can get
so lazy even though I do take pictures & have tons of stuff
to update.. It's only when every time Roy click on the fav,
that it keeps showing the same update.. Hehh.. Ok, I try to
be a bit more hardworking.. Lol..

So anyway, one weekend in Mar (haaa!) we had a date
with yong & Evan so we went to visit the 2nd div Tampines
Fire Station Branch. Most of the fire stations in Singapore
are open to public from 0900-1100hrs except those in Tuas &

J would have been a caring big brother if he has siblings..
Oh well, E is considered his little brother..

I don't know why but most kids absolutely love fire engines..
And so the adults were listening attentively to the personnel
the origins & works while the kids are running around freely
checking out the giant trucks..

The guys had a go at firing up the hose.. Don't think
I have the strength to hold mann..

The kids were given a plastic helmet as a welcome pressie..

The lady there was the overall in charge during that day
and she's quite young.. The guy's serving national service
so also very young.. while the rest of us (besides the kids) were
feeling kinda old.. Hehh..

Monday, March 02, 2015

J's new room

First resolution of the year, is to finally build up a room fit
for J. He's turning 7 this year, going to P1 and we think he
might need some space of his own.. Which I'm glad we did..

Moving out all the excessive stuff collected and piled up
in the room took days to clear and Roy took time out to
paint up the room as well. It's so vacant you can hear
echoes when you talk in the room..

And the custom-made desk and book shelves are up!
J is setting up his Lego Movie collections on the table..

The steps that lead up to J's platform bed acts as a compartment
for his toys and knick knacks as well..

The complete room.

Just to clarify the crib hanging toys are not for babies..
even though it looked super cute & colourful..
It's the solar system present from Carmen! Heee...

And the yellow house on the right is the Peppa pig
series that Wanyu lugged back from UK last time..

So far, the room is quite well received from the adults
as well as kids who visited us during cny..

Many thanks to Roy for sponsoring and overseeing the
renovations while I just decide on the colour schemes.. Lol..

Sunday, March 01, 2015

Cyan's 5th Birthday

My nephew Cyan has turned 5 in January 2015.
They really grow quite fast in the blink of an eye..
And that means we are growing old quite fast as well.. Zzz..

Anyway, no need to hold anymore birthday parties now that
the kids are older.. just a family affair.. Even the cake is baked
by my mum..

Superheroes united! Skinniest batman you ever seen..

Anyway whenever the three of them are together, it can get quite rowdy and noisy!
So I totally understand folks with 3 kids, be it all boys all girls or mixture..

Colourful Batman blueberry fresh cream cake.

Not sure why the birthday boy is not singing though..

Reyd is totally adorable here..

Just difficult to get the kids to focus.. So we just go
ahead and take the pic..

Monday, February 23, 2015

Graduating from Shalom Kindergarten 2014

Forgot to blog about J's graduation ceremony..
It happened in October 2014 on a saturday and I've asked
my sister and brother-in-law to attend as well..
I can't believe my baby has finished kindergarten
and will be embarking on a long journey of study
from now on..

The school said we must help the kids to put on
some light make-up.. Lol..
At least I feel "relieved" that he doesn't like make-ups.. Hee..

Walking super slow with his roaming eyes looking out for us..

Receiving his certificate from the Chairman of the school..
It's a proud moment for me and Roy.. Unbelievable!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Pressies from Carmen

Carmen has been real busy with work & family but we finally
managed to catch up over lunch one monday.. Actually also to pass
presents for J.. (lucky boy!).. Hahhaha!

A chat over lunch is never Enough!

She knows his love for anything to do with the universe and took the
trouble to source for them.. *hearts**
Took a video just to show how J loves his presents..

This book is always by his side and keep him occupied for quite a while..

Saturday, February 14, 2015

First day of school

So in case you are wondering about Jared, here's how he
looks like in his school uniform.. Hee..
I honestly can't believe he is actually starting Primary 1!
My gosh, it seemed like yesterday when he just popped
from my tummy..

Looking so lost and sleepy..

Peace.. Take it easy, mum!

As his school is just a 5mins walk, my mum will bring him there.. I ordered this quite expensive Japanese Randoseru bag where you can see every jap kids carrying to school.. And I must say it's worth every cent.. I would want one for myself mann..

Meeting up with Hoops & Yoyo

And so us girls were always discussing about families and baby issues
on our chat-group so finally managed to find a date to meet up!
Anyway this happened last aug.. Gaaa!
 We went to Changi City Point for a quik dinner.. Miss you gals..

Outing with the boys..

I really took damn long to post now.. sorry! So anyway, all these happened
later part of the year so I just post lah..

Took out my SLR to do some test shots cos Yong
wanted some photos of Evan..


While waiting for Roy downstairs, he took a pic with
next door neighbour Popo.. We have the best neighbours!
Roy looks like a father of two right? Hahahhaa...
Yong and the boys..

I think sometimes J has OCD or something..

Glorious food..

I would like us to stay this way always..

J will be the best brother for Evan.. :)

All these pictures bring a smile to my face..

Thanks peeps for always stopping by to see if I have any new posts..
I try my best ok.. with pics.. less of the words.. hehh...