Monday, July 13, 2015

It's that time of the year again.. (Part 1)

I always have mixed feelings during the month of May..
I mean I love Labour Day & Vesak Day holidays..
However celebrating my birthday somehow feels like
I'm celebrating for getting older.. I suppose I should be
thankful for that and also those close to me still remember
& are taking time & trouble to spend this special day (week)
with me.. :)

First up.. Lily will always buy me birthday breakfast
each year without fail..

So Roy dropped me at the pickup point & he told me to open the
boot. Omg omg, did he hide a bouquet of flowers in there??
Then he pulled out this box containing a monitor!

Cos I have been complaining for the longest time that the IBM
monitor on my desk sucks big time so he got this for me. Hahahaha!

And so I have to lugg this huge box into the office all by myself..

Of course on the actual day was spent with the Man in my life. Hehh..

My ex boss Vernice sent me this.. I hope I am!

I must say those whom I've worked for (Male or Female)
have been most kind to me, I'm truly blissed in a sense..

My dear bosses (past & present). =))))

One of the best & most practical pressie sitting on my desk..!

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