Sunday, April 07, 2013

March - Week 4

Ok, last week's activities.. Haa..
 Getting boring huh.. Lol..

Yoyo & Piddles reunited!
Yeah, I met her for brekkie at our fav TB joint.

It was my mummy's birthday last thu so
we got her some cupcakes.
Actually it's more for J cos he loves
twelve cupcakes.. :P

Then we had a family dinner to celebrate for her.
J & Baby Reyd. Look at his mop of hair!

Overdosage of durian desserts.. @_@

Went shopping for some necessities at Ikea.
Training J to carry my bag for me,
must start from young.. hahaha!

Finally J decided to wear the
Spongebob Squarepants shades
that I got for him from Mothercare
like ages ago.. Zzz..

Dennis has been going to his same hairdresser Lynn
at Roxy since he was just 15 years old, and we
brought J along to let her cut too. Maybe next time he
will be her loyal customer too.. Lol..

Nice numbers.. :)
It's Yong's birthday last sunday so we met her up
for a while at Swensens for ice-cream. Most importantly,
there's free sundae for the bd gal that day. Hahaha!

It's a short work week cos of Good Friday holiday.
Gotten cute Easter chocolate for the Hans.. Lol..

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