Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Run Piddles Run..

Running you were asking.. 
Seriously.. Me??

Some of you who've known me long enough know 
that I absolutely dreaded running.. I don't have
the drive nor stamina at all.. Totally hate it.. Haa

Well, my mindset kinda changed over the months..
I find that I tires easily when I'm on my feet for
long period of time.. It worsened when I went
tokyo and we had to walk the whole day..
Mann, I was experiencing extreme fatigue
came end of the day & can't find any remaining energy
to do anything else at all but to lay down straight..
As still as a log.. =_=

And I can hardly put the blame on age cos there
are others who are way older than me who can walk faster..
So I can only put it on plain laziness.. -_-
Hey, I used to be quite sporty when I was in school kay!

And so.. getting a pair of good trekkies put in a bit
of motivation to spur me to exercise.. and also seeing
quite a number of people running at the track just
below my block.. See, I can be sporty again?!

Took a sweaty pix after a run in the morning, with zero makeup..
Even though I'm drenched to the brink, it's really quite
good to sweat it all out yah.. 
This just show how long I've not been exercising regularly..

And so, I decided to be a bit more "sporting", haa..
Gave a try at zumba with Lily..
After the one session, it was confirmed that I have two left foot..
Trying not to trip over my own feet while struggling
to catch up the routines.. Mann, it's tough..
Running seems safer.. Lol..

It was raining one afternoon so I resorted to climb stairs instead..
Up 16 floors 2 times not an easy feat!
Sloppy attire.. Hee..

Then I wanted to try out treadmill at the gym..
Haa, getting adventurous.. And it's fun & cooling.. Lol..
And.. you can only see the guys at the weight equipments,
next time I'll come without Roy.. Hahahah..

Must give special thanks to OB who encouraged
me to take up running.. Slowly but surely.. :)

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