Monday, March 25, 2013

March - Week 3

In a feeble attempt to blog more, I'll try
to upload more pixs on what I've been up
to on a weekly basis..

I really have the best lunch partners, as I can
share food which I always cannot finish with them. Hee..

And I chanced upon a blackberry when I went ladies after
that.. Returned it to info counter, hope the owner finds it back..

And since it's the school hols that week, we took
leave on thursday to bring J to USS.

The skinniest batman I've ever seen..

Anyway, the trip to the themepark was quite a disaster cos ...
J doesn't like it!

I'm not sure whether is it the hot weather, or crowds or
the loud music from the speakers that spooked him.
The moment he stepping into the place, he said he wanted
to go home.. @_@ And he got overly stimulated that
he puked all over the place.. Zzzz..

But but we've already paid so much for the tickets! :(
My sis & bil were kind enough to help us babysit J
in the cafe while Roy & I rushed to sit on the 2 rides
that we didn't tried before.. Transformers & Mummy rides.

Oh well, no more themeparks for him, at least for now..
Save my $$ or rather, he wasted my $$.. 

Time out with Yong, giving her a
advance birthday treat.
Great catching up w/o our kids around..

Taking a break on TGIF and gathering
Leng & Lindy for some silly singing..
I looked like a butch here mann.. =_=

Actually going karaoke should be limited to just a few
friends so that one can have more songs to sing.. Lol..

Roy went golf at JB on sunday and my folks were out
so it's just me & my J, getting on each other's nerves
the whole day. Lol.
Love you deep deep..

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Run Piddles Run..

Running you were asking.. 
Seriously.. Me??

Some of you who've known me long enough know 
that I absolutely dreaded running.. I don't have
the drive nor stamina at all.. Totally hate it.. Haa

Well, my mindset kinda changed over the months..
I find that I tires easily when I'm on my feet for
long period of time.. It worsened when I went
tokyo and we had to walk the whole day..
Mann, I was experiencing extreme fatigue
came end of the day & can't find any remaining energy
to do anything else at all but to lay down straight..
As still as a log.. =_=

And I can hardly put the blame on age cos there
are others who are way older than me who can walk faster..
So I can only put it on plain laziness.. -_-
Hey, I used to be quite sporty when I was in school kay!

And so.. getting a pair of good trekkies put in a bit
of motivation to spur me to exercise.. and also seeing
quite a number of people running at the track just
below my block.. See, I can be sporty again?!

Took a sweaty pix after a run in the morning, with zero makeup..
Even though I'm drenched to the brink, it's really quite
good to sweat it all out yah.. 
This just show how long I've not been exercising regularly..

And so, I decided to be a bit more "sporting", haa..
Gave a try at zumba with Lily..
After the one session, it was confirmed that I have two left foot..
Trying not to trip over my own feet while struggling
to catch up the routines.. Mann, it's tough..
Running seems safer.. Lol..

It was raining one afternoon so I resorted to climb stairs instead..
Up 16 floors 2 times not an easy feat!
Sloppy attire.. Hee..

Then I wanted to try out treadmill at the gym..
Haa, getting adventurous.. And it's fun & cooling.. Lol..
And.. you can only see the guys at the weight equipments,
next time I'll come without Roy.. Hahahah..

Must give special thanks to OB who encouraged
me to take up running.. Slowly but surely.. :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Meet ups

I'm seriously neglecting my blog..
Don't know why I'm getting so unproductive..
Why?? Zzzz..

So anyway, just some updates on meeting
up with some of my closest friends.

Carmen, mummy of my god daughter Lauren..
We had a good time catching up on our
kids, life & stuff..

With two & a half of my best gals..

We celebrated Matty's birthday early
at this zi char place in siglap last friday.

David carrying the baby bag for Yoyo..
So he looks like the daddy or grand-daddy?

The two botaks.

It's the International Women's Day on the 8th of March
so I gathered the gals for a shot.

Don't want to leave the guys out as well lah..

There were a total of 10 dishes for each
of us but I simply couldn't wait for all
of them to come. Too hungry!

We were kinda proud that there were
no leftovers. No food is wasted. :)

And still have room for dessert.
The ice-cream joint is god damn crowded!

With my crazy friends..

My D24 ice-cream
is simply Heaven...!

Matty really entertains to my nonsense requests.. Lol..

Yoyo & me spotting with familiar short crops, yeah!