Tuesday, December 31, 2013

End of year 2013

I admit I've not been very diligent this year in blogging.. It's not that I'm giving up.. just that
it's very time consuming to edit & upload a series of pictures into a single post. Sigh..

But I have gotten this app which I will upload pic of the day everyday and I've
completed one entire year already! Yay.. Of course I won't be posting all of the 365 number of pics
as some are kinda personal but hope this will somehow compensate in my lack of posts..

I'm still trying to source for a compact & good camera for me to carry around and upload
instantly onto the net.. Till then, this will have to do.. Heh.. Getting less & less views here
but I'll try to keep it going.. After all, it's been 5 years! Wow.. Time do flies..

Happy New Year Everybody and hope 2014 will be better for all.. :)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Baby Cayla's 1st Birthday

Sat, December 7, 2013

BBC aka Baby Cheoh, Cayla has
turned 1! Omg, times whizzed by
so fast.. One moment she's just
a tiny baby with a tiny mummy
and now she's one.. @_@

Anyway, we went to her birthday
party at NSRCC and the theme
that day was fairies.. I really can't
figure where to get any Peter Pan
or elf costumes for J so in the
end, I let him wear this tee with a
frog on it.. Well, he can be the frog
prince, ahahahhaa!

It was a wonderful evening with all
my dear peeps, and our darling kids.. :):):)

Monday, December 09, 2013

Little Red

Sun, December 1, 2013
Brought J to watch Red Riding Hood at DBS Arts Centre today..
It's from Singapore Repertory Theatre's
The Little Company where each year they will have musicals specially for young kids.

J at this age is definitely more
engaging but not without testing
my patience each & every day!

Still it's fun to see him appreciate
the musical, my $70 is well-spent
then.. heh hehh..

Thank you

Sat, November 23, 2013

Our helper Tamini is finally going
back to her hometown in solo, Indonesia. She has served us very
well, taking care of my inlaws,
during their last days.. She is
one of the most honest, hardworking helper I've come across so far. I will miss her loads.

Thank you for all your contributions
for the past 7 years.. Take care.

Durian Feast

Fri, October 25, 2013

Filling day.. Fishball noodles for lunch, wanton noodles for dinner &
finale was Durians!

This was my ever first eating durians
by the roadside.. But the good
company made up for it..
Really shiok durians..!

J and his guitar

Mon, October 28, 2013

J has been pestering us to get him
a guitar but Roy thinks that it'll be
too big for him now..

But being a simple boy he is, he's
equally happy to open up the
package that Roy ordered in the mail.

It's a mini version called the Ukelele..
It's four string instead of the usual
six string guitar..

Let's see if his interest still stays
before I decide to let him go for lessons..
I think Roy is too lazy to teach him anyway -_-

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Lego Craze

Sun, October 20, 2013

J's quite into lego these days, always pestering
us to get him a house to build..

Since Roy also likes lego
(I think most boys like!) we didn't
think twice abt the price (it's exp!)
and bought the 3 in 1 combination meant
for 7-12 yr olds.. that would meant that we
have to supervise the building of
the house..

I actually spent close to 2 back-breaking
hrs sitting down with J, sorting out
the tiny parts by shapes & colours..
it's tiring! I told J I need a break and he
refused to stop and insisted on completing
his house.. Zzz..

But he actually managed to build with
minimum guidance..
Good job boy! I'm proud of you!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I NOTE you..

My dad recently bought samsung note 2, so that
he can monitor his shares more readily..

The boys are exploring the phone with 
great interest as you can see from here.. 

You can see J's masterpiece on top right 
and his clown face too.. Hahahahahahhh!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It's been a Hot week

So on the very next day after J came back from
the trip, he ran a really high temperature.. Sigh..

Day 1

Now that he's older, he's more cooperative
at taking the fever med. A lot of patience &
coaxing will do the trick..

Day 2

Really worried with anxiety when
I tested his temp every hour & it
still hovered around 39 degrees..

Day 3

I took 2 days childcare leave to take care
of J, mainly staying up at night so that
my mum can rest.. We took turns to monitor
his high temp.. Just refused to go down,
so annoying.. So tiring.. Finally brought him to 
kkh to do blood test, just to make sure it's not dengue..

On Day 4, the fever finally subsided to a
low grade temperature of 37.8.. Thank goodness..

J developed ulcers & sores in and on his
lips due to the viral fever.. It's that serious..
So once he recovered, we decided to visit
the sinseh at one of the Eu Yan Sang 
child-friendly clinics.. Hopefully the chinese
med can solve his constipation problem
as well as his heatiness.. It will take time..

Friday, October 25, 2013

They are back!

My baby's finally back after 10 long days!
Well, actually they're back like on the 6th Oct
but as usual I'm late in posting.. *blush**

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Holiday

Well, sort of.. Hahahahahaa..

Actually it's my sis, bil who are bringing J and my mum to Hokkaido for 10 days for holidays..
As it's kinda ex to all go together, I decided to let J go with them.. and he's fine with that..
And it'll be kind of a break for us too.. 

At the airport T2 on 25th Sep at 2300hrs..
J's super excited to go to the airport, he knows something is happening and he brought all
his stinky bears, Mickey/Pluto and lunchbox with alphabets inside..
Anyway, this is not the first time J's traveled without me.. My mum took him to Gentings
in Jan this year too.. So we don't experience any separation anxiety at all... Lol..
But of course we will miss him a lot, after all it'll be 10 long days away..

Oh, the ramen pic was taken when Roy and I went for lunch on a sunday while the rest was
a bombardment of shots that my sis sent, letting me know what they've been up to there..

Sis told me the only time when J actually misses us, was when he's getting ready for bed..
Cos that was the time when at home, we will make him sleep at night.. He will shed a tear
quietly and tell my sis that he misses me and Roy.. Awwww...
So sis asked me to record a short clip of us to show J whenever he misses us at night..
The clip was quite funny but not sure if Roy will allow me to share with you here.. Lol.. 

Anyway, J really enjoyed the trip and my bil they really took very good care of him...
And also, he really loves japanese cuisine so it really made things easier... *Score**

But the next day after they came back from the trip, J was down with a really high fever
for close to 5 days.. More on that later..

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Passing of my father-in-law.. Jan 1946 to Sep 2013

He has moved on to a better place,
on sunday morning, after battling with
malignant mesothelioma for about 2
months plus.

We're seeing father for the last
time, bidding our final farewell to him
at Mandai Crematorium..

Rest in peace, father.
We'll remember you in our hearts, always..

sent from my Project 365 app

Monday, September 02, 2013

A day of badminton, 25th Aug 2013

Have been trying to lead a more active
lifestyle these days.. Decided to rope
in the family for a round of badminton,
at the sia sports club..

Actually I've come to realise that
spending time with your family is more
important than the game itself..
It's great fun sweating out and chillaxing by
the poolside and talking just about everything
under the sun..

Also, a break from the kiddos.. lol..

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Visit to Lily's house, 17th August 2013

It's the yearly visit to Lily's place again
during Hari Raya month. It's something
our family always look forward to
every year & J's pretty excited over it.
And he actually still remembers where
she stays in Pasir Ris..

This time it's a small family affair &
I'm glad we got to go & enjoyed the
food as well as company.. Teehee..

J is getting more sociable now that
he's older & he greets everybody in
da house (I think he treats it as his home)..
We enjoyed the festive visit very much..

sent from my Project 365 app

A school day for J, 13th August 2013

Jared has English spelling every
tuesday, and Mandarin spelling on

Kids nowadays are having it tough,
and that goes to their folks, I think.. Zzz..
A typical school day for J.

sent from my Project 365 app

Books! 5th August 2013

Sorry, have not been active on
the blog lately as tons of stuff
happened lately.. will try to post
my pic of the day..

Nowadays, J's more willing to
pick up books & attempts to
read some of the easier ones..

Sis's col Eileen is so sweet as
to pass us some of her son's
books for J. He loves them!
But his favorites are books from
Leapfrog tag.. :)

sent from my Project 365 app

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Photo of the Day (3rd August Saturday)

So as I'm too lazy to attempt to update pictures onto the blog,
I've found an alternate way and that's to email to the blog instead.. Hee..

Anyway, it'll be like a picture of the day kind of stuff,
just to let you peeps know what I'm up to these days..
And not really to talk about a particular topic..

A typical Saturday would be Roy doing marketing in the morning while I babysit J.
Then we'll relax chill out at home and maybe go out do some window shopping..
Or just bring J to the outdoors.. Our weekends are quite routine and
basically just spending all our time with kid.. What about yours?

Small one watching Disney cartoons while big one watching anime.. Zzz..

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Jared's 5th Birthday

On Jared's actual birthday on monday 15th July,
Roy & I took half day off to spend time with him.

It was quite a grey day so we decided to go
somewhere indoors like the Singapore Art Museum..

There's this annex building across the road
that is part of the museum and they are having this
Art Garden that runs through to September 2013.

Big as* picture of the day.
I love my boys.

At the moving image gallery where they
featured local short films and animations 
that's suitable for children. J enjoyed it &
insisted on finishing all of them..

In this room called Around the Day in Eighty Worlds.

The kids are looking through some kaleidoscope
in the light box.. Kid's stuff..

Paranomic view of the room..

This room is made entirely of screws and thread..

This entire painting is the collaborative work 
between a local sculptor and 750 students. 
I thought it was quite impressive..
J's totally uninterested and kept
hurrying us to leave.. Zzz...

I should think J will like this
Enchanted Garden City cos it's
so colourful & storythemed.. But
he totally wanna get out asap!
Really dampen our mood..

Gingerly stepping down the rainbow
steps.. It's nice mah!

Since he don't wanna come in, we made him wait
for us outside and to sit on the bench.. Hahaha..
All the way here, I must take enough pictures ok.. :P

Beautiful isn't it?

We decided to have a simple celebration
for J to blow out the candles on his birthday.
The cupcakes were kindly sponsored
by my buddy Yong.. Love ya! :D

J exclaimed,"Woah! Is it for me?!"
He had attended Lauren & Evan's birthday,
so finally it's his turn nao..

OooOoo, he got a red packet from Grandpa..
Smiling with glee..

Blowing out the candles carefully,
one by one.. :)

Happy Birthday, JBoy..
Sometimes I still can't believe
that you've actually turned 5 now..
I think I said that every year.. Hahaha..
We love you with all our hearts..

A recap of his birthday blogs since year 1..

It's really nice to look back to see how
he's grown over the years.. I wonder how long
I can maintain this blog also..
For as long as I can, I'll try my best!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Evan's 1st Birthday

The 2nd birthday party that I attended was
Evan's very 1st birthday.
It's something very meaningful for Yong as it's a lot
of 'firsts' for them, after she's back from the states
last year.. But I'm happy that she's back home,
to her family and friends..

Yong bought the monkey party packs from seattle..
Really cute..

Even the mini cakes have decors on them..

It's really monkey see monkey do..
J insists on taking pictures too.. =_=

Cupcake of the month for J is cookies & cream..
It used to be rainbow vanilla though..

Cupcake moustache.. =D

Really very pretty & cheerful balloons..

J photobombing while I'm taking
pic for Yong & Evan..
J still at the party blower.. I think it's
soaked with all his drool.. haha!  

Just look at Evan's raised eyebrows at J..