Tuesday, December 31, 2013

End of year 2013

I admit I've not been very diligent this year in blogging.. It's not that I'm giving up.. just that
it's very time consuming to edit & upload a series of pictures into a single post. Sigh..

But I have gotten this app which I will upload pic of the day everyday and I've
completed one entire year already! Yay.. Of course I won't be posting all of the 365 number of pics
as some are kinda personal but hope this will somehow compensate in my lack of posts..

I'm still trying to source for a compact & good camera for me to carry around and upload
instantly onto the net.. Till then, this will have to do.. Heh.. Getting less & less views here
but I'll try to keep it going.. After all, it's been 5 years! Wow.. Time do flies..

Happy New Year Everybody and hope 2014 will be better for all.. :)

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