Friday, December 28, 2012

Dec Babies

16th December, Sunday

It's the birthdays of Roy, my brother & sister in December
so we had a gathering to celebrate for them.

Stripped my little nephew Reyd for a brief shoot in my room.
I really loveeeeeeee his Mohawk hair!

Just look at his crown of glory!

Reyd's really way cuter than ..
Sorry to say that ..
And tan like my brother ..

And can you imagine he's not even 2 months old
and he's already so chubby?! @_@

J came in to disturb and check things out ..

And he's really gentle with Reyd and showering him
with feather-like kisses and hugs.
And it's not just with him.. Baby Evan too.

Unlike Reyd's older brother who will smack him
on his belly and beat J up too.. *roar**

Birthday cake that my mum baked for the birthday kids.
And as usual, J wants to blow the candles and cut the cake.

Birth dates in order, Roy 12th, Brother 15th & Sis 17th.

He's really adorable ..
Think I will get along very well with him, for now ..

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