Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mr Coconut

Bringing J to the barber is always a harrowing experience.. I should think it's cos we didn't bring him for a haircut regularly, that's why he couldn't get used to the idea of being wrapped up and cut hair flying about..

Happily sitting on the car, don't know what he's getting himself into.. :)

It took all of me & Roy to pin J down onto the chair when the cutting began cos he totally disliked the idea of sitting still and the itchiness of the hair bits on his neck. When the auntie turned on the shaver, J reacted to the noise & started squealing like a drowning piglet.. Everybody waiting in line just looked on with wide eyes wondering what's going on? I felt like a bad parent torturing my kid mann.. So embarrassing.. =_=

So the more he struggled, the shorter the fringe..

When the ordeal was over, we asked J to look into the mirror.. He stared very hard for at least 10 seconds.. and we said well done, handsome boy! And he ceased his crying.. Brought him to Giant for groceries shopping to cheer him up..

A closeup of Mr Coconut Head.

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