Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Jared at play again

Well, when you ran out of what to blog, your next best subject will be on your kids.. Hee..

J loves his Thomas train.. So at least all my $$ spent on the toys are not wasted.. -_-

J's fascinated with this play house.. What is this?

This was when I was kid-free and kinda Dunno-where-to-spend-my-money-on toy collection.
I used to love Hamtaro, the hammies are sooo cute right?

Incorporating Peppa Pig House with Thomas train. At least one thing in common, they're both from Great Britain! :)

Setting off for class on Sunday. Looking like a ninja turtle.. He insists on carrying the backpack, which is more than half his size, and also his schoolbag.

One of his favourite play corner is near the washing machine on the iron board. Maybe cos of the little window underneath the kitchen windows where he can see the outside world..

Took some baby photos of Yong's boy, will upload soon.. soon.. :)

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