Friday, August 31, 2012


Saturday, 25th August @ 0530hrs

Nothing frightens me more than hearing J waking up crying in the dead of the night..
Temperature was ok but he still kept crying with his eyes closed.. and you just can't figure out what's wrong with him.. All he can say was, "I want to pee" all the time.. So we suspected he might have a urinal tract infection..

It was close to 7am (my gosh!) when we reached and it's not crowded at all. Still, have to wait a while as there're less doctors on duty at night..

The best part was every time when we brought J out of the house, all his pain or fever miraculously vanished! So maybe we should bring him out all the time then.. -_-

Urine tests showed that his levels were normal but he still kept complaining of pain in tummy. So much easier to collect the urine sample when you have a boy.. I remember Carmen telling me that she had such a hard time collecting Lauren's sample last time, chasing her around with the bag in hand.. :( 

So the conclusion could be just a stomach upset. So J's back to his cheerful self again.. I got this Mickey Mouse at Tokyo Disneyland becoz he's so cute and he is J's best friend now, he goes everywhere with him..

Kids medicine always look so much colourful than adults..Since we had to pay $90 consultation fee (price went up!), we asked the doc to prescribe his usual cold & cough medicine, might as well right?

Sunday went well without a hitch, J's back to normal.. But monday my sis called me at work to say that J's been digging his bellybutton and he kept saying pain.. Oh no, what's wrong again?

We didn't want to take any chances so I called Roy up and rushed home. Packed up some stuff and off to KKH again..

J's not crying this time so I guessed the pain's not that intense as on saturday but we just wanted to be sure on our part. It's just a horrible feeling in my stomach to know that he's not feeling well in every way..

Blurred picture of Roy taken by J.

Mickey Mouse with him all the way.
Doc felt some lumps in his tummy and suggested x-ray to have a closer look

When I heard what the doc said about feeling the lumps in his tummy, I can feel my own lump in my throat..
Don't tell me it's his constipation again?!! My huge Gosh!
I know x-ray's no good but I just had to see what's inside his tummy.. :(

X-ray (I should've taken a pic!) showed that there're some blurry mass in his intestines, which the doc indicated that they're actually stools. They're not only on his right side but left side as well, compared to 2 years ago. Which means he has full of shit in him! The pain that he's been feeling these days is actually the gas that's built up & trapped in the intestines due to the blockage of the stools.
Worse case scenario will be surgery to clear the stools which I don't want that to happen. His sai is back with a vengence, haunting me again! :(

And J's been through a hard time when he's much younger.. Crap headache Just reading back his history sends shivers down my spine.. Sigh..

Roy went to collect the medicine (loosening stools) while I took J out to the fish pond. He wanted me to take a picture of him with the fishes..

What we can do now is intensive feeding of the med and making him crap everyday, by hook or by crook!

Jared oh Jared, why can't you just crap on your own & don't give us anymore crap headaches? =_=

Friday, August 24, 2012

Evan Tanoto

My dear friend Yong, has finally put a name for her baby boy. Evan Rainier Tanoto or Chen Guan Yu.

Went over to her folk's place for a short photoshoot on Hari Raya holiday & brought J along..
For info, he's not into Hello Kitty but more of the uniform that she's wearing cos it's Macdonalds.. :P

Yong's 2 year old niece Sze En was dumbfounded for a moment when she saw J in the house.
Smitten by his charms surely or maybe his coconut head? Muahahahaahahaahh!

Let the pictures do the talking..

I'm sure Evan will grow up to be a handsome boy, will document his progress through my blog too..
Just like for Jared & Lauren..

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mr Coconut

Bringing J to the barber is always a harrowing experience.. I should think it's cos we didn't bring him for a haircut regularly, that's why he couldn't get used to the idea of being wrapped up and cut hair flying about..

Happily sitting on the car, don't know what he's getting himself into.. :)

It took all of me & Roy to pin J down onto the chair when the cutting began cos he totally disliked the idea of sitting still and the itchiness of the hair bits on his neck. When the auntie turned on the shaver, J reacted to the noise & started squealing like a drowning piglet.. Everybody waiting in line just looked on with wide eyes wondering what's going on? I felt like a bad parent torturing my kid mann.. So embarrassing.. =_=

So the more he struggled, the shorter the fringe..

When the ordeal was over, we asked J to look into the mirror.. He stared very hard for at least 10 seconds.. and we said well done, handsome boy! And he ceased his crying.. Brought him to Giant for groceries shopping to cheer him up..

A closeup of Mr Coconut Head.

Music Man II Lee Hom's concert Aug 2012

Saturday, 18th August 2012

I've always love his songs, even though he doesn't have new albums out recently.. But I won't miss his concert for anything. I've treated Roy to two of his concerts but this time I don't think I can afford to fork out $250++ at one go so decided to ask Leng & William along.. Good company by the way.. 

A strong crowd of 10,000 fans.

Actually there's quite a good mixture of guys & gals.. I would think for those korean groups, all the crazy noisy girls for sure.. I don't think I'm prepared to have my ear drums shattered.. :P

Blowing up the green balloon thingys, sponsored by Starhub. Leng & William brought theirs back for safekeep..

Lee Hom is just so talented.. So good with drums, guitar, piano, violin & even erhu.. If next time J can play even one musical instrument, I'll be one happy mummy.. Roy can play the guitar and he has swept me off my feet, slightly.. Lol..

My cousin (left) was one of the vocalists for his concert, so proud of him..

My bodyguard's at home babysitting J so I have to make my way home.. Crowding with thousands at the stadium station was no easy feat!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Over the National Day weekend

Nothing spectacular happened but we did went out on National Day holiday to do some shopping. Went to Changi Point for lunch, also to shop for some work clothes for Roy. Surprisingly it's not crowded that day, could be due to the fasting month..  

J insisted on taking the flag wherever we go that day.. Luckily it's the actual holiday otherwise it'll be weird..

Watching the NDP on tv a while, and J also raised up his hand when they showing the saying of the pledge.. Lol..

Greg treated us dinner on friday and we went to Joo Chiat for good old sze char food..  

Went for 2nd round for dessert and Roy joined us after his jap class. He really mingles well with all my peeps but I don't know any of his.. :P
Whole gin gang..

On the way to sunday class, J's companion that day is Dumbo the elephant.

Bought this jigsaw puzzle thingy over the internet as I saw another blogger featured this in her blog.
As J's so lazy with writing, might as well get him something which he's interested in.. Shapes & colours..

So colourful & interesting, I like to play also.. Lol..

When he finished one picture, we will sing praises and say "Good Job!"
So he's now feeling very smug about his jobs.. ('',) 

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Jared at play again

Well, when you ran out of what to blog, your next best subject will be on your kids.. Hee..

J loves his Thomas train.. So at least all my $$ spent on the toys are not wasted.. -_-

J's fascinated with this play house.. What is this?

This was when I was kid-free and kinda Dunno-where-to-spend-my-money-on toy collection.
I used to love Hamtaro, the hammies are sooo cute right?

Incorporating Peppa Pig House with Thomas train. At least one thing in common, they're both from Great Britain! :)

Setting off for class on Sunday. Looking like a ninja turtle.. He insists on carrying the backpack, which is more than half his size, and also his schoolbag.

One of his favourite play corner is near the washing machine on the iron board. Maybe cos of the little window underneath the kitchen windows where he can see the outside world..

Took some baby photos of Yong's boy, will upload soon.. soon.. :)