Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Yong + Wei = Baby

After months of morning sickness & travelling between states/sin & discomfort & fatigue & unduly stress, my buddy Yong has finally given birth to a healthy baby boy.. Phew.. But now's actually where all the work come in.. No more good night sleep for a couple of years down the road, at least! But then again, welcome to parenthood, Yong! Hahahahh!! 


A nuzzle from Aunt Piddles. It must be my lucky day as he opened his eyes..
Baby smell is the best perfume in the whole wide world..

As I'm carrying him, I asked Roy to help me take pixs of his hair and hand..

Wrinkly fingers but they should fill up quickly in a couple of weeks.

A wail but we just let him be while we continue our chat.. Lol..

Warm & cosy in mommy's arms..

Holding on to precious cargo.

Love their toothless gums.. :)

I love this picture, Yong looks very happy & contented here..

Managed to pull in Wei for a family shot..

Actually there're more pixs of me with them but Roy said we looked like lesbos.. =_=

Rosy cheeks & rosy lips. Hope to capture his dimples soon..

Blissfully sleeping & getting ready to face the world.

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