Monday, July 23, 2012

Jared's 4th Birthday!

Time just whizzed by so fast.. Sometimes I forgot that J is actually 4 years old! And he certainly doesn't behave like one.. Still so baby in so many ways..

He's having runny nose and slight cough that day so we excused him from sunday class and let him rest at home..

He's into Mickey Mouse Clubhouse so I thought of getting Mickey figurines as toppers for the cake as they normally have copyrights. Got a blueberry cream cake for the adults.. J doesn't like cakes except cupcakes.. =_=

Finally pull out the pressies from Yoyo who lugged all the way from Manchester for J. I have to hide it really well.. Look at J eyeing at them.. :)

Unwrapping the pressie gently..

And grams gave him a angpow, which will go into his bank account soon..

Gram's precious..

Wahh, all the peppa pig playtoys!

J's super stoked about all of them..

Roy's equally excited about setting up the playhouse..

Grinning like a dork..
Initially I've asked Yoyo to lookout for a peppa pig playhouse for J as I wanted him to do more roleplay, to encourage him to speak out more.. Ended up she scouted high & low and got more than I've requested for. I couldn't be more grateful to them, thanks for doting on J.. :)
The Tay family homecooked noodles (no pork no lard). Heh..

What can I say.. They are just cute lah..

Ok, he's cute too.. Haha!

The cake looked more complete after the mickey toppers were added on. I stole the balloon topper from Carmen. :P

So adorable!!!

J's so happy and kept gazing at the figurines and waiting for Roy to lit the candles up..

He's super into the candle blowing thing right now, so as long as you have a lit candle in hand, he will proceed to sing the birthday song followby blowing the candle..

Happy Birthday J boy!

One candle no problem but blowing out four candles at a go proved to be tough..

Getting a little too hot for his face..

I'm four now!

He tasted a scoop of the cake and he scooted off to play his new toys.. We enjoyed the cake more than him and cleared up everything after that. That's our quiet birthday celebration for J.

Later that night, he occupied himself while waiting patiently for Grams to wash up to get ready for bed..

Arranging his ABCs..

Sometimes I still find it hard to believe that Jared's actually four now.. And I can still remembered every bit of details even when he's still a tiny baby.. Jared, you will always be Mommy's baby, no matter what..

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