Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Jared at play

Yeeyee & Dennis got J a bicycle for his birthday so we tried to encourage him to cycle more outside but he's super lazy lah.. So lazy that he only uses his legs to do a half-circle instead of a full circle as long as the bike can move..

Also, we're lazy to bring the bike all the way downstairs.. Hahahh..

And he'll rather dump his stuff & toys inside the basket.. Basket.. =_=

And made Peppa & BJ sit on the seat instead..

And he still loves playing the peppa playhouse.. And using the fire engine ladder as stairs for the house..

Now Pete made it to the 2nd floor thanks to J.. Heh..

And he made the pigs peeked out of the window..

How cute is that?!

I cut his fringe, looks ok?

J loves to play house, even during sleeptime he will want us to use blankies as roof.. I guess it's one of our childhood's favourite past time..

Puffy eyes as he just work up from his power 4 hour long nap.. Cos recently he's been having nightmares at night and will wake up crying hysterically, practically every night.. But it's better now, thanks to all the prayers..

The house even has a place for the iphone, playing all the mickey mouse cartoons..  *Big hugs to Yoyo**..

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Yong + Wei = Baby

After months of morning sickness & travelling between states/sin & discomfort & fatigue & unduly stress, my buddy Yong has finally given birth to a healthy baby boy.. Phew.. But now's actually where all the work come in.. No more good night sleep for a couple of years down the road, at least! But then again, welcome to parenthood, Yong! Hahahahh!! 


A nuzzle from Aunt Piddles. It must be my lucky day as he opened his eyes..
Baby smell is the best perfume in the whole wide world..

As I'm carrying him, I asked Roy to help me take pixs of his hair and hand..

Wrinkly fingers but they should fill up quickly in a couple of weeks.

A wail but we just let him be while we continue our chat.. Lol..

Warm & cosy in mommy's arms..

Holding on to precious cargo.

Love their toothless gums.. :)

I love this picture, Yong looks very happy & contented here..

Managed to pull in Wei for a family shot..

Actually there're more pixs of me with them but Roy said we looked like lesbos.. =_=

Rosy cheeks & rosy lips. Hope to capture his dimples soon..

Blissfully sleeping & getting ready to face the world.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Jared's 4th Birthday!

Time just whizzed by so fast.. Sometimes I forgot that J is actually 4 years old! And he certainly doesn't behave like one.. Still so baby in so many ways..

He's having runny nose and slight cough that day so we excused him from sunday class and let him rest at home..

He's into Mickey Mouse Clubhouse so I thought of getting Mickey figurines as toppers for the cake as they normally have copyrights. Got a blueberry cream cake for the adults.. J doesn't like cakes except cupcakes.. =_=

Finally pull out the pressies from Yoyo who lugged all the way from Manchester for J. I have to hide it really well.. Look at J eyeing at them.. :)

Unwrapping the pressie gently..

And grams gave him a angpow, which will go into his bank account soon..

Gram's precious..

Wahh, all the peppa pig playtoys!

J's super stoked about all of them..

Roy's equally excited about setting up the playhouse..

Grinning like a dork..
Initially I've asked Yoyo to lookout for a peppa pig playhouse for J as I wanted him to do more roleplay, to encourage him to speak out more.. Ended up she scouted high & low and got more than I've requested for. I couldn't be more grateful to them, thanks for doting on J.. :)
The Tay family homecooked noodles (no pork no lard). Heh..

What can I say.. They are just cute lah..

Ok, he's cute too.. Haha!

The cake looked more complete after the mickey toppers were added on. I stole the balloon topper from Carmen. :P

So adorable!!!

J's so happy and kept gazing at the figurines and waiting for Roy to lit the candles up..

He's super into the candle blowing thing right now, so as long as you have a lit candle in hand, he will proceed to sing the birthday song followby blowing the candle..

Happy Birthday J boy!

One candle no problem but blowing out four candles at a go proved to be tough..

Getting a little too hot for his face..

I'm four now!

He tasted a scoop of the cake and he scooted off to play his new toys.. We enjoyed the cake more than him and cleared up everything after that. That's our quiet birthday celebration for J.

Later that night, he occupied himself while waiting patiently for Grams to wash up to get ready for bed..

Arranging his ABCs..

Sometimes I still find it hard to believe that Jared's actually four now.. And I can still remembered every bit of details even when he's still a tiny baby.. Jared, you will always be Mommy's baby, no matter what..

Friday, July 20, 2012

Lauren turns Two!

I volunteered again to be the photographer for Lauren's party last saturday, to hone my skills and I must say there's some slight improvement compared to last year.. Thank goodness.. 

If you were wondering where's Jared? I grounded him at home cos he for no reason threw up a huge tantrum just before we're getting ready to leave the house. I was fuming mad, and decided no outing for him! What a mean mama I am but this boy must be taught a lesson! If I were to bring him along, then come back to punish him, might not be effective anymore or he might forget what he has done. If wanna do it, means must do it now.. Wish I can say for other things.. ('',) 

Dry swimming

Daddy's little girl..

Crayons nowadays seem more environmental friendly..

J has the same barney water bottle too and I wrote his name all over it, even the strap's not spared.

Picture Perfect

Such a girly girl.. *hugs**

Made Lauren sit on the chair for a family shot but she preferred to look at herself on the projector.. Heh..
Rare shot of Lauren grinning.. Must be cos Mama & Daddy kissing her..

Love the balloons as background. Melia family is cooperative as I dictate how they should pose.. Lol..

Girls have it all, even their shoe soles are cute..

I'm glad I'm not too distanced from Lauren, still waiting for that special day when she decides to call me..
Piddles & Melia family

Love the balloons, it's a must have at any parties..

Her lashes are so long, no need for falsies.

Lauren's Barney Birthday cake.

And this is Carmen's Birthday Cake. Their birthdays are 3 days apart.

Attempting to blow out the candle, she's so cute..

Cutting mama's cake together..

And Lauren's cake after that..

I love anything with pokka dots, this candle's not cheap!

I'm busy running around taking snapshots that I don't have the time to eat the cake so Roy has to feed me. Must eat the cake no matter what.. 

Knock knock, let me in please..

 Of course my palm is bigger, baby.. ('',)

The teddy bear is actually bigger than her..

Happy Birthday to you again, my darling Lauren. Godma loves you very much!