Thursday, February 24, 2011

At home

Have you been checking my blog and finds no new updates??
That's cos there's nothing interesting to blog about recently thus the lack of posts.. Haaa..~

But our new neighbour Simon & his family just moved in on our floor and they've kindly invited us to their housewarming party 2 sundays ago.

J is fascinated with the projector screen on the wall when we entered the house..

When the singing started, as usual he'll do his dance on the floor and.. ignoring his folks again.. =_=

Roy chatting with another of our neighbours..
We know almost all our neighbours except for one indian family along the corridor. I hate his 6 or 7yrs old boy, he always shout out loud asking J to keep quiet and I'll shout back, "Aiyah, you shut up lah!". @_@

They have this big cage along the stairs where they kept 3 cats. And not smelly at all, unlike some wet dog smell some dogs have.

This particular cat is quite friendly and he has white paws.. I decided to nickname him Socks.

Getting bored so I brought J downstairs for a walk.. Luckily he didn't run around berserk & still wanted to hold my hand.. Phew!

He's most excited to see Courts & Ikea in the background and kept screaming out loud.. He screams at everything, whether happy or angry or excited. He's a screamer.. Think I've gone a little deaf in the ears..

He loves watching Mister Maker on cable.. It's about this guy using all sorts of stuff and bits for his craftwork.

So lazy don't even want to lift up his head..

And here's a cheeky smile, he is damn mischievous I'm telling you..

At my fil place.. Saw bil put up pictures of J & Sarah.. J's expressions are so funny..!

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