Thursday, November 25, 2010

Updates on J

For the rest of the week, J & mom will stay at home instead of dropping him at my folks place in Joo Chiat.

So yesterday after dinner, we did the flush on him. He was taken by surprised when he saw us preparing the tubes & saline on the kitchen floor. We felt bad that this time round, we had to be the ones to meddle with his backside, Roy, me, mom, dad & maid. He looked at us, crying & struggling about till his hair's wet with sweat. I think he felt betrayed. :(
He had nightmares & kept waking up at night. I'm grateful that my mom & maid were there to handle him while Roy & I can get some rest for work the next day.

Today, we carried out the mission a wee bit earlier, in order to let J sleep earlier. We were preparing for the worst reaction from him.. but on a surprising turn, J actually appeared quite cooperative & didn't cry at all. Either he knows that no matter how much crying or resistance he put up, we'll still poke in his backside or he simply resign to fate. "My backside is yours, take it & do whatever you want with it.." Or maybe Roy & I are skillful enough to make the process a comfortable one for him.

Anyway, doctor advised we let his backside rest on friday, see if he can crap on his own. Off day for us too. If no shit again, we'll carry out the flushing on sat & sun.

My dear Jared, please try your best to pangsai ok? It will make everyone very happy.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Crap Headache

I think some of you are still concern about my little J, so I'll just fill you in from here.

All along Jared has this crappy constipation problem. It all started a few months down the road after he's off my breastmilk (no more big boobies for me..) But never did we expect that it would turn out so serious this time round.

He has been complaining about tummyaches since the start of last week by crying real loud and cramping his tummy, breaking out in cold sweat. He did pooped a few times so that made us assumed that he's having diarrhoea. Went to see GP on tuesday, prescribed some medicine and all was ok on wednesday (haji holiday). But on thursday he showed signs of pain again. Friday was the last straw when he started wincing in pain & feeling nauseous for the whole day. So after work, we decided to bring him to KKH instead. Even though the wait was painfully long, KK's still the best hospital to go to as they specialize in women & children ailments.

Doctor felt his tummy & felt some hard stools so comfirmed he's still having constipation. But after he administered 2 dosage of laxatives into his rectum to see if he can pass out poop, nothing came out. That's why he suggested xray for the little boy to see just how much shit was contained in his intestines. Gotta admit for the night for observation.

This was taken on saturday at around 3am in the morning. We were all exhasted but I just couldn't catch a single wink that day. I just sit next to him and rub his tummy when he whined in his sleep.

The doctor came during his night rounds & suggested putting J on drip in case of dehydration or even worse case scenario, sedate him to extract the stools manually. In order not to disturb the others in the ward, I carried him to another observation room and the doctor administered the drip behind closed doors.

The cries coming out from a drowsy J was simply heart-wrenching & indescribable. He bled a little from the needle but my heart was bleeding that very moment too. How I wish I can replace the pain for him instead.

My poor boy :'(
My tears just roll uncontrollably.

For the next 2 days, the doctor in charge advised flushing of his bowels to get rid of the stone hard stools. That involved pumping in olive oil into rectum to soften and breaking down the stools. And 1 hour later to pump in saline to flush out the loosen stools..

All 2 litres of saline (2 bottles)! My god! Who can take it, let alone a little toddler?!! But what to do? Have to get rid of the shit.

This is J after the grueling flushing. Couldn't sit up and had to lie on his front. Roy and I were feeling heart pain for him all the time.

Roy's brother & Sarah dropped by. School holidays have already started so Sarah insisted on coming to KK to see J even though she also has a phobia of hospitals due she was admitted before when she's younger, for refusing to eat for 3 days. A 2 year old on hunger strike? Kids nowadays full of problems. =_=III

My eldest uncle & aunt also dropped by to see their grand nephew, J is well loved by them. So sweet of them. And those who've smsed me everyday to check on J's well-being, thanks peeps, love ya all.

J's exhausted most of the time as he will scream & thrusted about with all his might during the flushing session. And he will just smile and clap his hands at familiar faces & went back burrowing into the blankie.

More settled down after a while. We brought all his favourite books and dvds to keep him occupied and not think too much about the ordeal.

The hospital normally allow one parent to stay overnight but Roy couldn't bear being away from us so he had to sleep on 2 chairs. But then I couldn't bear him sleeping on the hard chairs, in the end both of us squeezed onto the single foldable bed.

But his snoring and the remaining in one position for the whole night in order not to fall off the bed made me sleepless for a few nights. Once I heard J's whimpers, I shot up from the bed to soothe him back to sleep.

My dark eye circles couldn't get any darker. Luckily I still have my SKII foundation to cover them up. *proud*

One of the nurse got him a balloon, when she went off duty. J didn't show any signs of distress cos she's dressed in civilian.

But J has developed a fear of the nurses or anyone in uniform that came near the cot as he would assumed that they're bringing him to poke his backside again. He will keep crying & waving goodbyes to them.

And he refused to get out of the cot at all times, not even allowing us to carry him anywhere. And the curtains must be drawn and he will be protected in his security area. If I try to draw the curtains, he will cry immediately. =_=

Another round of flushing. Everyday 2 rounds of flushing.
He will only allow daddy to carry him, and will hide his face in his armpit and keep absolutely still & quiet, pretending to be invisible.

Only when the nurse came near then his face crumbled into tears. I think he got traumatised and fretful of everyone there.

I took a video of the procedure but my buddy said don't load it here cos it's painful to watch.
So if you wanna see, let me know.

24th Nov, Tue

It's finally the day for J to be reviewed by the doctor and see how's the condition. She doesn't feel anymore hard stools around the tummy area but advised us upon discharge to continue the flushing at least 1 time a day till end of the week.

As expected he refused to let us carry him and hide at one corner of the cot but once I said "J, please put on your shoes cos we're going home".. He actually stretched out his feet for me. Guess this was the magic word that he's been waiting to hear all weekend.

So now J and mom are at home and we've been feeding him more greens & fruits. Still waiting for the magical moment when he can poop on his own. Will go for followup check next monday. Praying hard that all will be ok.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Tokyo 22 - 25 Oct 2010

I've split the Japan posts into 2 parts cos really got tons of pictures to upload even though I've tried cutting back a lot liao.. Here goes..

22th Oct, Fri

We were shopping at the DFS counter for some SK products. As usual, Roy's not interested & waited for me outside. And it so happened that my cuz, Shirleen is flying to Perth that day, all dressed up in cabin crew uniform & Roy still managed to recognise her. So dragged her to take a quick pic with me before she rushed off to prepare for the flight.

We were happily seated & the pilot announced that they couldn't start one of the engines! OMG! We're stucked in the plane for 2 hours while they tried to manual start the engine, and I was seriously worried of not being able to fly! My prayers were finally answered when I heard the familiar noisy engine sound and we're on our way!

But by the time we touched down in narita airport, it's already nightfall. So all our plans of doing some shopping that night were busted. Passed by Tokyo Tower on the way to shinjuku.

Most of the hotel rooms in shinjuku are small, even their doors. If Roy tiptoe a bit, will hit his head liao..

After checking in and dumped the luggages, we were famished cos haven't taken dinner. Went nearby to check out what's good to eat.
It's close to 10pm on a friday night & you still can see office workers knocking off either on their way home or a friday nightout.

And when you're in japan, you gotta try their yoshinoya. Now, in sin I've never step into the eatery cos it's nothing like the real ones in japan! The thinly sliced beef.. woolala! Damn shiok! I was marveling in awe with every mouthful~~

And nothing is wasted, not even a grain of rice! LOL.
We're such gluttons.

Even before we started spending in tokyo, we've already spent a bomb on buying a Macbook Pro at the transit area cos tax free. Roy's lappy of all time, had to conveniently kaput at that week.

After a satisfying dinner cum supper, we settled down and did some unpacking. I'm enjoying their handfree wash toilet bowl while Roy plonked himself on the massage chair. Everything is available there, even though small yet compact. Good enough.

Dropped by the sightseeing centre at shinjuku station to arrange for a day trip to hakone for the next day. Their staff have this tag on them that says, I speak English. Ha..

Imagine we've been to tokyo for a number of times but never thought of checking out mt. fuji.

We're on our way to yokohama (abt 1/2 train ride away from tokyo), mainly to the famous chinatown in Japan & sea aquarium. I like how they create their local map, drawn so cute & colourful.

Really felt quite at home there, and most of them understand you speaking in mandarin.

We're sharing my Oakley cos Roy broke his..
We'll try to visit the various Chinatowns in the countries that we've visited. Maybe cos we're Chinese? Heh..

Some local delights..

People queuing up for the meat paos.. Being a pao person myself, I still think ours taste nicer..
Theirs have quite a bit of meat in them, which is overwhelming & no egg!

Normally we don't plan what to eat each day. If we see something nice or smell something mouthwatering, we'll just will our bodies in that direction.
In this case, it's a tiny eatery with just enough space for a row of table for us to sit.

Ahhh, I love their rice the most. And normally I don't like hard boiled eggs but their version on the contrary, was actually a bit soft with runny yolk!

Their xiao long paos on a plate.

A popular chinese temple smacked in the middle of chinatown.

More pictures by myself since I lamented Roy's eyebags were atrocious in the pics.. :P

A intricate carved dragon guarding each side of the roof.

Praying for good luck, good health for my family & that J will be a good boy & listens to mommy always!

There's a school next to the temple, the girls practising lacrosse.

Really very intricate details, wonder how they maintain them under the mercy of the mother earth.

Taking our own picture again..

But there's this kind angmo saw and offered to take for us, so hard to turn him down right?
So its the usual whole body picture, no close up shots..

Their underground subway station with a huge ceiling.

Along the way to the Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise Aquarium. The tide's raising so high, floodling the steps near the shores.

I found it interesting how the guy can always manage to pull out a balloon from all the tangled strings..

Up close to the polar bear and it's huge!

Really a spectacular view from where I was standing..

Took a short clip for you to see just how tall the thick glass were. We stood there for quite some time just to watch the fishes swimming by. Very relaxing. No wonder sometimes people rear fishes for stress relief..

The cutest pokka dot jellyfish I've seen.

There're actually 2 fishes there, can you locate them?

Such a tiny yellow fish, compare to my finger.

Stick-like looking fishes sticking their heads out for a breather. LOL.

Tiniest lobster, so cute..

Red-bellied piranhas from Amazon.

Trying to stick finger in to test if they find Piddles's finger tasty or not.
I wonder if my travel insurance cover this, hmm..

Humongous stingray. They really have a ugly face to begin with..

Every country that we've been to, we'll make it a point to check out their macdonalds, more so in Japan. They have special value meals every week in Oct cos of Halloween.

Roy had german sausage burger. Taste not too bad except the shape of the bread had a slit in the middle. That's Roy showing how soft the bread was, haha!

24th Oct, Sun
Next morning woke up early, getting ready to head to Hakone for the daytrip. Wearing the toe socks that Hoops got for me from her previous trip to tokyo. :D

Took a train to Hakone, foot of Mt. Fuji. Transferred to local rail & reached Hakone Tozan Railway.

The cabin that we're in was pulled entirely by cable if you can see from the tracks. At the intersection, making way for the one coming down from the mountain.

We're seated right at the top, so I took a quick shot down the cabin as I think it's interesting how it's built slanted cos it's being pulled up the mountain.

Waiting for the cable car to continue the 2nd half of hakone. It's a first time for Roy.

Up up & away..

I'm really terrified of heights but still managed to force a smile for the cammie. It's really cloudy that day so we missed out seeing Mt. Fuji. -_-

Approaching Owakudani or so called The hell valley. You can see smoke out of the mountains.

This is a volcanic valley with active sulphur vents and the locals like to bring eggs to cook in the hot springs. The boiled eggs turn black and smell slightly sulphuric, yucks!


We're too lazy to walk up to the hot spring to cook the eggs. But you can see tiny specks of people climbing up in the distance to get their eggs cooked. I just duwan my hair and clothes to smell of sulphur..

Continuing 2nd part of the cable car ride. Dark clouds looming ahead.

Lake Ashi was formed in the caldera of Mt Hakone after the volcano's last eruption some 3000 years ago.

The lake is so big that a boat cruise from one end to the other takes roughly 30 minutes.

Waiting for the ride to their factory outlets. The coaches arrive exactly on time or earlier as stated in the timetable at the pickup point.

The clouds look so near to us..

At the Gotemba premium outlets. I think due to the strong yen currencies, I find that their mechandise are not cheap at all..

Had my favourite curry rice. Can't really see any rice cos it's flooded in the gravy and stuff. I scooped out loads of pickles too, went really well with almost everything!

Dinner was something light like vegetables with soba.

Roy enjoying a face mask treatment at the end of the long day.

Please stay tune for the 2nd part, hopefully can publish by end of the week.