Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Makan session

Organized a gathering last friday, it's been quite a while when everybody can make it. Except for Hara who needs to work that night.

I got Roy to join us cos he sent me over to the Chin Lee restaurant at bedok north, after that 2nd round at SHock's place. And SHock was next to arrive (on time!) which was RARE! He revealed since it's a free dinner, he should arrive earlier in case the food run out. =_=
Previouly makan he's the last to reach and ended up clearing the leftovers. Heh~

And he showed us his new ip4! But his games were kinda corny.

Didn't really take pictures of all the dishes cos busy eating. But the salted egg prawns dish was my favourite besides the fish.

And we decided to mass sms Hara that we missed him at dinner. All getting ready to push the send button together.

From my phone.

Now, I cannot resist yam paste. Specially one that's so solid that when you turn it upstair down, the paste stay put!

And this gooey white stuff, meant for the yam paste looking suspiciouly like s . . . m.

And a strong cup of chinese tea to wash down all the heavy food, I'm impressed.

And we celebrated Nic's birthday in advance as she'll be on leave on her birthday, by singing the bd song very very loud (like yam seng during wedding dinners) both in English & Mandarin. Ha!

And we just watched on greedily while she's having difficulties cutting the thick chocolate cake.

So we tasked Daniel to cut instead. How come the cake looks tiny infront of him??

And it's traditional to take a group photo during the gatherings.

Leng enjoys taking candid shots of everyone.

Two of them are smiling so "gaily".. Hee..~

But just a toothy grin from these 2 chaps..

Makan babes~

Doesn't look like a void deck restaurant hor..

Leng wanted to take this picture cos Greg's red in the face after drinking bailey.

We were playing cards while the guys concentrated on their mj game.
2 winners 2 losers that night. :P

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Over the weekend

I was telling Shimei the other day to let the boys get to know each other better, let J get used to playing around with kids. So we popped by her folks's place in Eunos last saturday.

Sat, 14th Aug

Jz called me Aunty Ros! Really melts my heart. He stood right infront of me so I asked him to stay still & took a closeup of him. Oooooh, puppy eyes!!

Here's J and one of Shimei's nieces. They're sweet and will give in to the boys.

Really have to marvel at technology sometimes. Roy played some interactive games for kids and all of them crowded around him, making him the most popular person at that moment.

Sun, 15th Aug

Ok, this's not really relevant but just wanna show you my perfect breakie on a sunday morning. I slept in while Roy & mom went out for breakfast & marketing.

Setting up the toy we bought from ikea but forgot what's the name of it.

Bro dropped by in the evening, bringing cyan to see his grandfolks. He's sturdy enough for Roy to carry. Cos Roy dare not carry young babies, as they're quite delicate.

So J is not the baby of the family liao.. Cyan's arms are like thicker than J's! But of course J's the taller one.

J is not really into babies yet, so wants to make a quick getaway but Cyan's also quick enough to make a grab of his shirt. :D

And it's not just J's shirt he's pulling at.. =_=
And J doesn't have much hair to begin with too..

So grandpa went to J's rescue. Phew!

Cyan is learning how to stand with support so we let him try J's walker. And J is wondering why is there another baby sitting in his walker, and luckily he didn't make a big fuss over it.

And he waited for his turn to sit in there too. Feeling nostalgic over his walker, heh..

Difficult to move around so he stood up to walk instead.
I think sometimes he thinks he is still a baby.. Well, he will always be my baby, no matter how old he is..

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Updates of Jared at School

A couple of peeps have been asking on how J is doing in school.

Well, a lot of toddlers have experienced what we called separation anxiety where they still need our undying support & a fear that we've abandoned them whenever we're not there.

For J's case, it's my mom who has separation anxiety cos she simply cannot let J out of her sight. She will send J to school & then wait outside or the next block until lunch time come before whisking him away to her place in joo chiat.

I know that J is her precious & she's just trying to protect him but in this case, it's actually bad in a way that makes J cannot let go of her too. So she's making the situation worse by constantly caving to his demands.

So for this week, I turn firm & we will drop J in school in the mornings instead.
He sits happily in the car still obliviously of what's coming for him until we turned into the carpark. He recognises the surroundings & immediately starts to whimper. I really feel bad & heartpain when he starts to cry upon handling him over to the teacher. Teacher promises to mms & update me on his progress.

Mon, 16th Aug

*Hi Jared's mummy. Teacher Hirah here. Jared is having his water break. Attached is a photo of him. Jared is doing great. He stopped crying soon after you left. He seems happy and have been singing to himself.*

I really feel a bit better upon seeing the picture, just have to trust the teacher on her sms i guess.
By the way, he didn't let go of his stinky bear at all, turned a bit black at the end of the day.

Tue, 17th Aug

He cried again this morning but teacher assures me with mms to say that he's stopped after a while & not to worry.

Got another mms of him during outdoor play.

I showed my mom the pictures to assure her that he's not unhappy in school but she says he might go hungry cos the meal breaks are too far apart & he cannot feed himself well enough. She cannot let her precious grandson goes hungry.


Neverending one.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Baby Lauren's Full Month Party

Here's 2 posts within a week! To make up for the lack of post last week.
Please nag at Piddles to be more productive ok?

Carmen & Andrew held Lauren's party over national day holiday at their place's clubhouse. And we actually reached there late, after the party ended! Cos dear Jared of all days, decided to take his nap at 2pm instead of the usual noon nap.

And all my cols have already been there & left. *grumbling*
But my dear Hoops is ever so loyal & waited for me to visit them together. *smuacks!*

Most of the times I see Lauren, she's always asleep in sweet dreams. But that day is my lucky day! She's awake & looking alert & such pweeety eyes!! Awwww~~~
Can I bring her home with me, Carmen babe? :) :)

All the dresses still look too big on her, and I've bought her a cute looking dress as prezzie too.
Oh well, can keep it for CNY then.

Everybody looks like giants next to tiny Lauren.

Lauren in my arms with J & Verlyn on my left. J surprisingly is quite gentle around babies, I've noticed..

He keeps looking at Lauren while the rest pose for the cammie.
Either he's wondering why is mommy carrying her and not him, or maybe cos she's just pretty. :)

A nice little corner for portraits.

Balloons & prezzies brought up from the party.

And Carmen gave some balloons for Verlyn to share with her cousins.
She's so cooperative when I asked her to pose a pic for me. :)

And.. they got belated birthday prezzies for J!
That's so sweet of them!

Why, it's a toy piano! J smiling very smugly to himself.
Piddles is very touched that Carmen notices that J likes to dance to the beat of music & took the trouble to source for something useful for him. And that Andrew has also enjoyed himself at Toys R U testing out the toys. :D

And it comes with a microphone, and Roy is testing it out on J. Not sure what he's trying to say but seriously sounded like the F word!
Ended up full of drool on it!

Managed to gather the Melia family for a photo.

Zooming in to take a closer look at Lauren's eyes. It look grey to me that day but I figure her colours will change again in a few months time. I'll keep a lookout & update you guys again.