Thursday, May 13, 2010

Birthday Celebration

As Piddles grows older, she finds celebrating birthdays is no longer important.

Its like why are we celebrating for getting older? But it's a day where she can be special & the opportunity to choose whatever gifts she wants, so why not? After all, this day only happens once a year so might as well make full use of it & still be happy about it. :)

For the first time, Piddles is no longer the only one celebrating her birthday in May. She is now smacked in the middle with May Chen on the 12th & Johanes on the 14th. So August is also a popular month to make babies lah!

First thing in the morning, Lily surprised her with cappuccino & blueberry muffin just like last year. :D
She was so touched, muaks!!!

Upon special request, Pearl specially made her favourite omelette for her. Yummy!

This might not look appetising but Piddles can assure you the sardine is shiokness!!

Piddles must have her greens, the infamous Pearl salad with her special dressing to go along.

Here's Pearl preparing for us. She's really like a mummy to us in office, always make sure she feed us first before she has her meal.


Their birthdays are only a day apart from one another, so convenient to celebrate together. :D
Piddles is 10 friggin years older than May, goodness she felt so old!

Singing the birthday song for the 3 of them.

They each gotta blow out a candle, very carefully.

Posing for cake cutting but she was too busy looking at the cake..
And so, Roy is supposed to bring Piddles out for dinner after work & it's supposed to be a surprise.
"So where are you bringing me tonight, where's the dinner?"
"Secret, shhh.."
"Hmm.. And what are you getting for me? Or just dinner?
"Secret, shhh..."
After getting into the car, she told him she's not hungry. He exclaimed,"WHAT?! My reservation is at 7!"
She asked him if he's excited? He actually was, it's like back to the days when he's still wooing her, he said. :)
They drove passed Marina Square & suddenly he turned into Ritz Calton.
Piddles's eyes lit up.
"Baby, I've made reservations at the Greenhouse, hope the food is good!"
Even though Piddles's face doesn't show it, and eating there will seriously be a pinch, she is secretly happy inside.
While waiting for the lift, she whipped out her little cammie & started snapping away.
Even the lift was not spared. haha!

Found a cozy corner but too dim to take picture.

The picture doesn't do justice, the place really look quite classy & spacious in reality.

"Look inside your bag baby"..
Piddles quickly turned her bag upside down & found a thick angpow with wads of notes inside!
He explained," I thought of getting you a A.b bag but worried you might not like my choice so giving you cash seems like the best way to go.."
No wonder he wanted to hold her bag earlier while she got out of the car..
For once, Piddles thought the notes smell aromatic! Hahahaha!! Ka ching!!~~
This was his selection with lotsa oysters. Never mind, he says cos the hotel rooms are just upstairs.. -_-III

Peeling the poached prawns for Piddles. He has been sweet that night, feeding her constantly.

And Piddles had her 3rd serving of seafood. With the ultimate combination of red snapper, seabass, dory fish & her favourite crab. In fact, she took mostly the black pepper crab for the rest of the evening, even asking Roy to take for her while she's still busy digging out the flesh. Really heaven!

So while Piddles's still at it at her crabs, she heard someone singing the birthday song at the table behind her & her head snapped up. The waiters were singing to a guy while he looked on sheepishly. She then proceeded to complain to Roy why she doesn't get a cake and no one sings to her cos its also her BIRTHDAY! He just looked ahead and said no lah, so shy to ask & he don't do such "boliao" stuff..

So Piddles just sat grumpily and continued her crabs. -_- Finally she had her fill & told Roy to ask for the bill. One waiter actually came up eventually & asked how was everything & if they're happy with the service. He then stretched out his hand for Piddles & wish her many happy returns & good health. Many happy returns?? Not happy birthday?? She raised her eyebrows & looking sulky.
And and...!! The waiter came back with a cake & lighted candle, and started singing Happy Birthday song while the onlookers looked up cos they've heard the song again. Piddles's face turned as red as a beetroot and just sat dumbly while Roy's laughing his ass off. =_=III Apparently, he has already pre-informed them when he called up for reservation.
I want to kill him!

Nevertheless, she is one Happy Piddles despite being tricked.
A simple yet yummy fruit cake. Piddles asked if he has to pay for the cake? He replied, nah its free..! Bet the restaurant has loads of them for birthday occasions. :P

She candidly took a bite out of the candy birthday card, while posing for a picture & ignoring the onlookers.

Feeling satisfied after the meal, took a picture at the lobby.

Thank you dee, for making the extra effort (finally!) to make this special day for Piddles an unforgetable experience. :)
~~Happy happy happy~~
Afternote: Roy told Piddles it's been a while since he saw her smile that lasted for almost the entire night, just like a girl in love. Which is actually True! It has been a long while! :D

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