Monday, May 17, 2010

Birthday Celebration Followup

After a unbelievable surprise dinner from Roy last thursday on Piddles's birthday, her usual makan gang gave her a treat on friday too. They made OB decide where to eat again, don't have to think so much too. Settled for buffet dinner at Sukiyaki at Marina Square.

She is genuinely touched that, everybody despite their busy work schedules, even so for Yoyo, Hoops & Carmen (mummy-to-be) who came from their workplaces all the way, specially for her. Love you to bits, gals. :D

Here's Carmen, who's into her 3rd trimester. Except for a little roundness on her face and of course tummy, she looks the same as how Piddles remembers.

Lotsa vegetables & mushrooms, quite healthy actually. Yup, she needs a break from the heavy buffet the night before.

And her ex boss also surprised her by dropping by! He's back for a break from taipei, so sweet of him.

In between breaks. Yoyo & uncle T looking kinda stoned. Hee~

Unfinished food which the girls scooped up for our side. Looks like offerings hor? :P

Made Hoops sit in between OB & her pardner. She misses them very much, for their sleazy jokes. Hee hee..

Ohh, Piddles got another cake to cut! OB is the best, to her!

Posing with the cake, even though the rest has started singing the bd song.

Forgot what's the joke about but bet it must be funny!

Happy Birthday to you~~~
Making her many wishes. This was her 3rd cake, so she got 3 wishes!

For the 2nd time, Piddles is grinning from ear to ear that you can hardly see her eyes..

Reminded everyone to take group shots.

It's a traditional must for her, for safekeeping & for her peeps.

The girls in Piddles's life.

She misses them sooo much.

And love them to bits bits bits, literally.

And she remembers to take a picture with Little Miss Lauren Melia who's still hibernating in Carmen's tummy.

Settling bills infront of Piddles, not shy hor? Not that she minds, its a treat!

Leng's finger came sticking out while Piddles is trying to take candid shots of Yoyo.. :P

Still laughing away when about to part.
Everybody left with a satisfied dinner & wonderful company. Piddles is glad she has them as friends more than colleagues. Friends for life.
And the very next day, on saturday is JZ's 2nd birthday! Time zoomed by so fast, Piddles can still remember him as a little baby.
Jared with Jason's 2nd nephew & JZ on the right. The mini bike gang.
She's in a male dominance territory that day.

Elmo is JZ's favourite character.

All boys, with 3 of them the same age and the elder one on the right.

All seated obediently and waiting for us to sing the birthday song. So cute, from the biggest to the smallest J.

J&J. Hope they grow up and still be close to each other, just like Piddles & Shimei.

JZ only has eyes on his cake, totally focused on it.

Trying to blow the candle, just so adorable..
Here's mummy & daddy with the birthday boy.

A helping hand to cut the cake.

JZ smiling away pushing the toy stroller.

J actually gobbled up a slice of cake on his own!

And JZ only wants the elmo head, keep chatting to Shimei while she hurried to cut out for him.

Daddy Roy is in charge of photo taking on that day cos Piddles is busy with the boys.

A happy JZ on his happy Birthday. Another May baby just like Piddles. :D
All & all, Piddles wants to thank her hubby & peeps for making her day a enjoyable event, something she will not forget for the rest of her life. She loves them all very very much.

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